August 23rd, 2011

[info]forgeous in [info]hiddenagenda_rp

Who: Fred, Arthur, Molly and George.
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Twinville/The Burrow
Rating: PG/12 - for Fred's mouth.
Status: Complete
Summary: Fred's still sick and Mam and Dad always know best about that sort of thing.

Bitter-sweet migrane in my head )

[info]babybells in [info]hiddenagenda_rp

Who: Katie Bell and Marcus Flint
What: Interview for the paper
Where: Falcons stadium - the Lincoln Box
When: Tuesday 2.30pm
Rating: unsure
Status: Incomplete.

Tell me your secrets and I'll print no lies )

[info]alchemynmisery in [info]hiddenagenda_rp

Who: Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Lily Potter//Open to anyone who might have read the obituaries in the Daily Prophet and wants to go
What: Eileen Snape's Funeral
Where: Prince Family Plot, pureblood wizarding cemetery on the outskirts of London
When: Wednesday
Rating: PG-13 (subject to change)
Status: Complete (Eulogy is posted, you can still comment if you'd like)
Warning: npc's funeral, angst, possible language and maybe worse, considering the Malfoys and Lily might see each other...

At least it wasn't raining. That would be too clichéd. )