July 30th, 2011

[info]shadowseeker in [info]hiddenagenda_rp

Who: Allanna and Antigone
When: Saturday night/July 30
Where: Alli's back yard.
What: Evilness! and catching up too of course
Rating/Status: Knowing Alli probably PG-14/Closed

Boredom leads us all to do crazy things )

[info]ohmypansy in [info]hiddenagenda_rp

Who: Pansy & Theodore
What: Cocoa night!
When: Saturday, 30 July, 1998
Where: Parkinson Manor; Pansy's room
Warnings: None? Snuggling :)
Status: Threaded; Incomplete

..and in the end you'll have your best friend.. )

[info]gredilicious in [info]hiddenagenda_rp

Who: George Weasley, Marcus Flint and Oliver Wood.
What: Caught and then... DRAMA!!
Where: Falmouth Quidditch Stadium
When: Saturday 30th - a bit after the game
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete/Closed

So this is where we put some witty cut text )

[info]myohknee in [info]hiddenagenda_rp

Who: Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley
What: Lunch and then some last minute present hunting
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
When: Saturday 30th
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete/Closed