January 8th, 2015

[info]parkeradams in [info]hibbing

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[info]parkeradams in [info]hibbing

Wiki Hibbings | City of Hibbing | Trip Advisor Hibbing | Hibbing via LakesnWoods
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Hibbing is described as the perfect combination of rural and urban living. The city operates as the regional center for government, medicine, banking, and education. Connected within the region by a network of major traffic arteries, railways and air travel, Hibbing is the hub of Iron Range living. Located minutes from beautiful Northeastern Minnesota lakes, forests and parks, Hibbing is ideally situated to enjoy both an urban lifestyle and the fresh air and quiet nights of rural living.

Hibbing is also home to two werewolf packs. The close rural outlets allows both groups to hide within the population unnoticed by hunters and others in the like. Originally when Hibbing was first established in 1896 there was only a few rogues around. By he mid 1920's a pack called the Norther pack was established. They have ruled the land since then, keeping it hunter and enemy free for quite some time. The northern pack is a traditional group, consisting of mostly natural borns. They are a bit more strict in their disciplines, frowning on too much association with outsides and humans in the like. Like classic packs they have been known to kill abandoning members and attack rogues who roam their territory.

Outside of Hibbing in Colorado there was a sister pack. Unfortunately in 2012 hunters & wildfires wiped out their home and left the three packs in the area without a place to settle. It was not an easy decision to come to but the people of Hibbing decided to invite up their brethren and house them. Most of the Colorado pack settled into the Northern pack with ease, the two packs melding into one. The other packs however did not feel so at ease.

Now known as the southern pack, the California pack and half of the Texas pack along with some young locals of the northern pack came together and split off. The city of Hibbing was split it two, the southern pack taking the south side of the city. Unlike the northern pack, they are more accepting of humans and rogues alike. They have been known to bring in more outsides and welcome wolves who have lost their packs due to hunters. Many of their members live within the city and not in a pack house as well.

Currently these packs respect a treaty between one another, living in tension however keeping the general peace. The alphas have agreed to not attack each others people, to only give warnings. But will this peace last forever? Will the humans ever notice that they walk amongst them? How long until it all comes crumbling down? Colorado had fallen, the memory of that haunts most of them. Will they strive to stop that from happening again or does history have a way of repeating itself?
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[info]parkeradams in [info]hibbing

Time To Join

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Joining out lovely little group of writers? Awesome. Glad to have you on board. Just comment here with the following information so we can get your information added to our website.

Character Name: First & Last name only.
Character Journal: <* lj user="journalname" *>
Played By: Because I am an idiot and don't know faces.
Character Rank: Northern Pack, Southern Pack, Rogue, Other, Human, Hunter, What? And if a pack then what are you in the pack? This is important for the taken list.
Location Tags: Where do they live? Where do they work? Any images you would like to include for that?

EDIT: I changed the community premise to merge the world of wolfies better into this new community. If you were originally a California pack member then you are more likely to join the southern pack. If you were originally a Colorado pack member you are more likely to have joined the northern pack. As for Texas? That is up to you. They have been split accordingly just as they had in Colorado.