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Rave! [August 14, 2009 @ 7:31pm]

Hufflepuff rave!
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[August 06, 2009 @ 1:29am]

Who: Val and Jaye (and whoever's in the know and might want to bump into them)
When: Saturday, October 26, going on 10 p.m.
Where: Hufflepuff, then down through the grounds

The common room was mercifully quiet - all the younger students shuffled off to bed with some help from Jasper - though Jaye could hear rustling and muffled laughter behind several doors as she passed. She stopped in front of Val's dormitory and checked the corridor behind her, just to make sure, before knocking once. The last thing they needed was a curious second-year tailing them.

Val was the one who opened. Jaye beamed at him expectantly. "Hey. Busy?"
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[July 31, 2009 @ 6:42pm]

Who: James and Cammie
When: Afternoon
Where: Outside
What: Flying

There was just enough of a cold snap in the air that James doubled back for his scarf and a jacket after stepping outside. Emerging into the courtyard now for the second time, he saw Cammie walking along the path leading to the Quidditch pitch, with Rupert romping along in front of her, probably enjoying the holiday.

He hastened his steps a bit to catch up with her, calling out before he could get close enough to startle her. "Not that way." He jogged the rest of the way to her side and tugged her arm a little, pulling them off the path. "We're not going to the pitch."
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[July 27, 2009 @ 8:06pm]

Who: Jaye, Jasper, anyone else who enjoys the view
Where: Gryffindor Table in the Great Hall
When: Tuesday, October 22, breakfast
What: Interloping Hufflepuffs, food, and masquerade talk

The Hall was already starting to empty by the time Jaye got back upstairs, freshly showered, properly dressed, and with the pleasant rush of the week's first practice under her belt. She glanced at the ceiling - the sun had just been rising as she'd made her way back from the pitch, and there were still splashes of pink in between the hesitant blue - and slid onto a bench at the Gryffindor table. Alex was nowhere to be seen, but if he still showed up for breakfast, at least this way she was sure to catch him.

She reached for the nearest platter of bacon, tucking a rogue curl of hair that kept trying to escape behind her ear with the other hand. It had been a good practice, and it was going to be a full morning of classes; two circumstances completely deserving of bacon.
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Gnome croquet, 21 October, OTA [May 02, 2009 @ 9:35pm]

Who: The Ladies of Hogwarts (gentlemen are welcome to observe as caddies) - Open To All
Where: The grounds
When: Monday, October 21st
What: A friendly game of garden gnome croquet

Lucia gave the quivering gnome at her feet a friendly, forceful tap with her mallet, and shaded her eyes to watch its progress rolling across the short grass. It was terribly convenient that the fifth-years were doing some sort of joint project between Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, and thus the Greenhouse currently (or, more accurately, recently) housed a wheelbarrow-full of croquet-issue garden gnomes. A lucky discovery; she would have been bored this afternoon, otherwise. Thankfully, between boredom, curiosity, and competitive spirit, the little game had a satisfying turnout.

Her gnome, magically dyed blue to identify it and squeaking a little, collided with another somewhat violently and sent it rolling within the outlying range of the whomping willow, where it finally slowed to a halt.

The willow trembled warningly. The gnome held very, very still.

Lucia clucked her tongue in mock-sympathy and shook her head. "So sorry," she said without any real attempt at sincerity, smiling brightly at the rival player in question. "Your turn?"
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Paging Hufflepuffs [April 30, 2009 @ 1:24pm]

Who: Mace and the Valentine's Birthday Party Committee
Where: Hufflepuff table in the Great Hall
When: Sunday breakfast
What: Serious party-planning business

Owls incoming )
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[April 25, 2009 @ 10:42pm]

Who: Devlin and Lottie
What: Post coitus?
When: Thursday, October 17th, after curfew.
Where: Random unused room

Lottie had harboured a fear for the past week now that doing it, yes it would fill her with regret and self-loathing. After all, wasn't that what some people had expected her to feel? The actual experience turned out to be quite wonderful and not painful like some texts had implied. Everything had been more than satisfactory, actually, with too much happening for Lottie to feel awkward or insecure.

But then there was this after thing, and Lottie wasn't quite sure of the protocol for casual sex with someone who was barely an acquaintance. So without a solid idea of what her next move was supposed to be, she clutched the sheet to her chest and gave Devlin a coy smile. That was modesty enough, right? "Thanks," Lottie said softly, which she hoped would not be interpreted as the equivalent of leaving money on the bedside table.
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Hufflepuff, 7 October [April 08, 2009 @ 12:31am]

Who:Glyn and Val
Where: Hufflepuff common room
When: The very early hours of Monday morning, after the party [backdated]
What: Couch cuddling

Everyone who was leaving seemed to have finally left. At least, the last conversations had died out, giving way to snoring from a couple of people who'd passed out on the furniture - or the floor - and the crackling of the fire. Val had his eyes closed and his head on Glyn's shoulder, soaking up the warmth from the fireplace and enjoying the buzz. Not that he was drunk.

Okay, he was maybe a little drunk.

"Hey," he murmured, fingers twitching against her side. "How are the birds? Still weird?"
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[April 06, 2009 @ 7:38pm]

Who: Tristan and Ruth Ann (and Vee???)
Where: 5th year Ravenclaw boys' dorm
When: Monday, October 7th, evening after dinner
What: GROPPAGE Body, boobs, and boy talk

Bag clutched to her (oddly flat) chest, Ruth Ann raced up the steps leading to the boys' dormitory. She'd been putting this off, in part out of fear – she really, really hoped Tris still understood the important differences between joking banter and serious flirtation. It was bad enough that Lottie thought they were going to actually going to have sex. That was what happened when people took things entirely the wrong way. After all, nowhere did it say that "education and exploration of the female body" actually meant sex. As far as Ruth Ann knew, there was just going to be a lot of reading of the book her mum'd given her and making faces at the gross bits.

At least, that was what she hoped was planned.
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[April 07, 2009 @ 9:30am]

[ mood | blah ]

[Who: Poppy and Open]
[What: Skipping class, :o]
[When: Tueday, October 9, after lunch]
[Where: A window nook in a hallway, somewhere in the castle.]

Charms was so stupid, especially now they were doing stupid knitting charms, which was probably a stupid skill they should have mastered years ago, and on top of that, was not something Poppy saw as necessary to learning. So when Professor Kiyan had made the mistake of announcing the lesson before that they'd be spending the entire next lesson perfecting their knitting charms, Poppy had snorted softly and started planning everything she'd rather be doing than trying not to drop stitches. At the top of her list was sleep, glorious, delicious, sleep that she needed to catch up on, because her terrible habit of staying up late to talk and read magazines and just do whatever had caught up with her.

Then she'd gone to lunch with her friends, with a big, milky mug of tea just to help along the sleepiness. The only problem was, on the way back to her dorm she'd started listening to the two people in front of her talking. She couldn't help it! They'd been talking about the gender swap, and how hormones had been running rampant ever since. People Poppy had never even thought of were hooking up, just to try out how their new parts worked. It was fascinating, and Poppy was hoping that she could remember all of the names, just because it was going to be great to pass on to the others. Only, the next time she looked up, she was in a part of the castle she'd never seen before, the two gossipers nowhere to be seen. Poppy turned around and around, but there was no one around, no class rooms, all the doors were shut, locked and imposing.

Well that was just great. Poppy sighed and was grateful there was at least a window nook she could pull herself into, and at least she had her bag, and her journal with her, meaning she plead for help, if she needed.

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Muggle Studies, Monday, 7 October [April 06, 2009 @ 7:18pm]

Who: Val and Godric, anyone else in 6th-year Muggle Studies
Where: Muggle Studies classroom
When: 1st period Monday
What: The Muggle Classroom

It had been tempting to cop off all day, but with the professors extra-vigilant for just that, Val didn't really have a chance. He had skipped out on most of breakfast, dropping in for long enough to grab some fruit and a muffin before getting out again. The last thing he really wanted was to watch the entire school gawk at each other trying to figure out who everyone was.

The chalkboard read The Muggle Classroom: What Muggles Learn in School, and Val had a brief moment of hope. Maybe today wouldn't be a complete loss after all, although he had long since lost the expectation of learning anything truly useful in this class. He considered hiding in one of the corners, but decided against it. It wasn't like he would be able to hide for the rest of the day anyway.

There was a surprisingly-familiar person sitting at the desk behind his. He'd guessed - correctly - that the redhead he'd run into in the corridor on Sunday had been a Weasley. He just hadn't realized which one.
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[April 06, 2009 @ 10:56pm]

Who: Alex and Jaye
When: Tuesday, October 8, during lunch
Where: Gryffindor boys dorm
What: Food. And probably bra talk.

The absence of breasts did make it easier to balance food against your chest, or so Jaye had discovered on the way up. She shouldered the door open - somehow it seemed a lot smaller than usual - and dumped it all on the foot of Alex's bed, careful to arrange the cupcakes in a way that would avoid them tipping over and getting icing all over the sheets.

"Food delivery," she said brightly, and as if it wasn't enough that she still hadn't got entirely used to her new voice, the sight of new Alex was jarring all over again.
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[April 05, 2009 @ 10:05pm]

Who: David Lupin and Emily Potter
Where: Specific Alcove
When: Sunday afternoonish, maybe?

David sat in an alcove trying to read a book, very unsuccessfully. He wasn't much of a reader anyways. No, he was very distracted at the fact that something very strange was going on. Being David, he wandered around trying to figure out what had happened and sort of did. Instead of continuing to read, he pulled out a ball and began to throw it against the opposite wall.

He'd planned to meet Emily here, though he wasn't sure if she would show up. If she didn't he'd go find something else to do. David was rather excited to talk to her about the strange events that were going on around them. This was definitely going to be fun.
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[April 05, 2009 @ 5:07pm]

Who: Pippa and Lottie
When: Monday, 7th of October, after dinner
Where: Pippa's dorm

Mondays weren't good days. In fact, any day starting with Snape was not a good day (that meant tomorrow needed to be crossed off, too). Double Transfiguration was also rather unfortunate, especially on days where Lottie just wanted her mum, and not a professor. Worse still, Snape and Professor Tonks not included, was that Lottie had awkwardly been required to find a new seat for herself in every class.

But finally the day had ended, leaving Lottie with the option of going back to her dormitory to mope, or seeking out someone who was obligated to care about her. Going to see Pippa seemed like the better idea, so Lottie made her way up to her sister's dorm and waited for Pippa to return from dinner. At least Pippa hadn't been caught up in this gender changing mess, either.
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[April 04, 2009 @ 11:52am]

Who: Hufflepuffs and friends!
Where: Hufflepuff common room
When: Sunday night, after all the kidlets go to bed
What: Self-medication and snuggles

Jasper still had breasts. Life was still awesome. He was one of the few (only?) people in the room not drinking, though he was considering giving in just this once. One night probably wouldn't hurt, right?

Anyway, the turnout was good, even if Jasper still couldn't recognise half those present. He curled up with a party cup of cola on one corner of a worn-in sofa in the middle of the common room, still getting used to moving and talking like a girl. Weird didn't even begin to describe it.
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[April 03, 2009 @ 10:28pm]

Who: Briony Harper and OPEN
Where: Random hallway
When: Sunday afternoonish, maybe?

Ladies and gentlemen, Briony Elizabeth Harper was a boy. This probably would have been more exciting news, had she not suffered the same fate as more than half of the school. Well, the term suffered was used extremely loosely. Briony was loving it. Now, admittedly it was completely weird, but in a hilarious way. She had peed standing up! Yes, that was one of the first things she wanted to try.

Now she was wandering the halls and trying to work on her manly swagger. Briony probably should have been doing something more productive, but learning how to walk like a bloke was important! Sort of. Admittedly, she was totally overdoing it, and looking ridiculous in the process. It didn't help that Briony looked like a boy version of herself... which wasn't very manly, as boys go. Oh well, she would just work with what she had.
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[April 04, 2009 @ 3:56am]
[Appearing on the message board in every common room]


Be assured that the faculty are working on the issues facing us with all available resources. We are confident a solution will be found quickly. In the meantime, please note the following:

1. A discussion on gender sensitivity and sexual harassment, monitored by your head of house and an additional member of staff, is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the common room. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY FOR YEARS ONE THROUGH THREE.

2. Classes will resume tomorrow morning for everyone as scheduled. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.

3. You might do well to reacquaint yourself with paragraph 12b, clause 6 of the school rules (to be found in your Hogwarts handbook; if you have misplaced yours, see a Prefect), which clearly states that any kind of inappropriate public conduct will be punished by detention and loss of house points. Please note that both faculty members and Prefects have been instructed to enforce this rule.

4. Girls who are no longer able to enter their dormitories, please approach your head of house.

Hufflepuffs, 6 October [April 02, 2009 @ 10:47am]

Who: Hufflepuffs
Where: The common room
When: Sunday, directly after all the hooplah
What: WTAF.

Val made it to the safety of his portrait hole, only received a mildly suspicious look when he mouthed the password, and ducked through to find his common room full of strangers. They were all vaguely familiar, in the nightmarish thriller-movie way where you know you've seen the psycho serial killer before but you can't quite place him.

As a metaphor, that one was not particularly reassuring.

He had his wand out within an eyeblink, flattening himself against the wall and staring at the room full of people. "What...?"
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[April 03, 2009 @ 1:33am]

Who: Dorian and Devlin
When: Sunday, somewhat after breakfast
Where: Slytherin 6th year boys' dorm
What: Dorian being a petulant little bastard. Or should I say bitch?

Dorian was hiding. Also, sulking. Hiding and sulking, because really, what else was he supposed to do? He’d been turned into a sodding girl. With tits and a vagina and stupid long hair and all before he’d finished his morning cup of tea. Clearly his only option was to return to his bed, draw the curtains, and wait until the whole horrific episode had passed. His bed was comfortable, and far away from (most) prying eyes, and he could keep tabs on the situation through the journals. It was a pretty solid plan, he felt. At least until he got hungry, but he’d cross that bridge when he came to it.
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[April 01, 2009 @ 10:55pm]

Who: Godric and ANYONE
When: Sunday, directly after fucking breakfast
Where: random corridor near the Kitchens

So, Godric's hair was longer (and redder), he knew that much. His clothes didn't fit, well, at all really, and his hands were tinier. He'd shortened up an inch or so, developed hips, Merlin, and, as far as he could tell...

He was a girl. Dammit.

It wasn't the most awful thing that could have come out of that buzzing in the air in the Great Hall, but it was relatively close. It meant people were going to start having meltdowns and sexual crises and making a big, irrational deal out of the situation, he was sure of it. Which was why he planned to be nowhere near the hysterics when they started.

Godric had already managed to push determinedly through the tiny crowd of kids leaving the Great Hall (to go to the Hospital Wing or go get naked or write home or whatever), and he was en route to the Kitchens, trailing a handful of Hufflepuffs back near their common room. Because, sigh, he was still hungry. He'd abandoned three-quarters of a plate of eggs and bacon and toast in favour of getting the heck away from the public spectacle in the Hall.

But after that? After food, he was going straight to his dorm and not coming out until someone fixed everything. Even if he was the tiniest bit curious to see what everyone looked like.
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