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Open at St. Mungo's [07 Aug 2009|07:45am]
Who: OTA
When: Friday, Afternoon.
Where: St. Mungo's
Status: open and incomplete
Rating: TBD

Niall wasn't really an eavesdropper (he didn't even know what eaves were let alone how to drop them) but sometimes there was some really juicy gossip going on at the nurses desk. No one minded him, but Niall swore that sometimes the nurses had crazy lives and even crazier sex lives (or they knew he was listening and kicked it up a notch for his benefit) but he liked to sit there on the floor around the corner with his back against the wall and listen to what they were talking about. Sometimes he forgot he was supposed to be listening and ended up humming along to whatever song they had on the wireless, like today.

All the chatter stopped as Niall unknowingly started singing one of the songs, first starting off soft and to himself but by the end of the refrain he was pretty much jamming out and singing until the end of the song. Nearly the whole corridor was silent and Niall looked up to see several of the nurses staring at him before they burst into laughter and giggles. Niall's face got hot and he ducked his head behind a file. Great muffins, he needed to start paying attention to himself, didn't he? Slinking away quickly, Niall looked over his shoulder to see the nurses laughing still, and not watching where he was going - and bumping into someone as he turned the corner, rather hard. He dropped his paperwork with a curse and then apologised, "Oops, I'm sorry, darn, are you okay? I wasn't paying any attention."
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[07 Aug 2009|11:16am]
Who: OTA
What: Working - what else?
When: Friday August 7th 2029
Where: Hobday's Coffee and Tea
Status: open and incomplete
Rating: TBD

Nobody knows it, but you've got a secret smile. )
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