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[28 Jul 2009|12:30am]
[ mood | geeky ]

WHO: Mercy Smith and Sinclair Bole.
WHAT: Responding to sexual harassment with vitriolic hatred. So, the usual.
WHERE: Mercy's apartment.
WHEN: Monday night.
RATING: Besides R for Sin's thoughts and comments, nothing above G.
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete.

'there's nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm, he's a one stop shop, makes the panties drop, he's a sweet-talkin', sugar coated candy man...' who needs to get the hell out of my apartment )

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[28 Jul 2009|09:18pm]
Who: people willing to wait in line and pay 1 Galleon 16 Sickles and 22 Knuts to get in
What: Temptation Tuesday; a notoriously out of control weekly party hosted by Amortentia; live djs, strong drinks, barely dressed dancers
When: 9pm-3am
Where: Amortentia, Knockturn Alley
Status: open & incomplete
Rating: PG-R ratings [for NC-17 please start a new thread]

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