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Fugitives: A Heroes RPG

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[10 Mar 2009|12:01am]
Who: Heidi Petrelli, OPEN
When: Monday, May 10th, Lunchtime
What: Mom took the kids to the park!
Where: Central Park
Rating: G

She had missed New York )

Text message to Matt Parkman on May 10th, Noon EST [10 Mar 2009|12:00pm]
It's Molly. I'm in New York with Mohinder. Thought you should know.
(Evolve | 9 Heroes)

Texts between Charlie & Kimiko in Japanese. May 10th, 11AM [10 Mar 2009|05:33pm]
CHARLIE: I know you said to let you know if I needed anything and I think I do.
KIMIKO: Sure. What's up?
CHARLIE: You know about your parents and your brother right? About the quest?
KIMIKO: About the abilities, you mean? Of course I do. I'm not completely oblivious. Father had a lot of funds for some Company tied up with Yamagato. It's all stuff I have to sort out now. What do you need?
CHARLIE: Did Hiro tell you about my blood clot? I was wondering if there was anything you could do? You know, with that Company your dad was running.
KIMIKO: I'll have a look and call you later. I think there are some files at the Yamagato Fellowship.

Voice Mail to Noah Bennet. May 12th, 1:30pm [10 Mar 2009|05:48pm]
Noah, it's Angela. I need to talk to you. And Claire misses Sandra. Why don't you come up and get her next weekend. She can rest at home and talk with Sandra about colleges. And then maybe we can see about getting her around to see the colleges she likes. Best to get things back to normal for Claire. Call me soon, Noah.

Text to Matt. May 10th, 4:40pm [10 Mar 2009|06:21pm]
(Evolve | 13 Heroes)

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