August 2011

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July 15th, 2011

[info]windwards in [info]heretherebe_ooc

Hello! I'm going to make this as quick and coherent as I can, as it's five in the morning. I'm Tea, and right now I have two characters (and am resisting an idea for another, haha).

First is Fiammetta Eldon ([info]draconica), a red dragon shifter. She's 90, claims to be somewhere around 23/24, and has spent a lot of time traveling, going from place to place and tutoring in various languages. She's something of a genius, and is currently working for the Palaris family, which freaks her out a little bit, but she's dealing. Why? Because 90 years ago she was born as Fiona Palaris, and she couldn't resist the chance to be a part of the family again, even in a secret capacity. (And if anyone is looking to pick up a noble character I will love you forever if you choose her family.) She's a bit hot-headed, very passionate, and is a generally friendly person though cautious about letting people too close because of the way dragon shifters are regarded.

Second is Bran Hillson, a wind mage. He's 49, former Navy, and has spent the past twenty-five years roaming around, mostly protecting traveling parties/caravans and occasionally going on longer sea voyages as a sort of soldier-for-hire. He's calm and a tad on the introspective side, but enjoys good company and conversation. He's going to be teaching at the academy, and he remembers what it was like to be accepted in society, so is cautiously hopeful things will settle back more like the way they used to be.

I'd love plots for both of them; I'm good with planning things or just shoving characters together and seeing what happens, so don't be afraid to poke at me with any ideas you might have! I promise I'm friendly and more than happy to work lines out.

The best way to get a hold of me is through the contact post in either journal, or I can give out my e-mail. I'm very much looking forward to playing with everyone! :D
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[info]heretherebemods in [info]heretherebe_ooc

Quick update thingy

So Nate and I were talking the other day and we've opted to add a question to the application regarding what is publicly known about the character and what isn't. Given the way the game is set up, just because someone is listed as a necromancer or a dragon shifter on the cast list doesn't mean that everyone and their cousin is going to know that -- especially in the cases of dragon shifters or necromancers.

Those of you who've already been accepted, if you could go ahead and stick somewhere in your profile, or the application, or even on your contact post what is publicly known about your character and what is selectively known or not known at all, that'd be great. That way we avoid the awkward "um, your character wouldn't actually know that" things. ;)

Thanks guys!