Oh Death

Sympathy for the Devil

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Hell in the details


September 30th, 2012

Maybe this was a miistake?

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God was waiting in his usual meeting place of choice for Lucifer to show up. He'd been keeping tabs on Lucifer since he took the offered deal. God hadn't counted on Lucifer finding someone that interested him so soon. When God learned who he was interested in, he started to get concerned. So he'd called this meeting as a way to see how Lucifer was getting on.

He looked at his watch again and sighed. He was getting a bit tired this routine lateness that Lucifer seemed to have. He sipped his tea and waited.
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February 10th, 2012

Something's Different

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When God told me of this little arrangement, I couldn't help but mostly be amused at the very idea of it. Let me be human to help him see if there was anything left of humanity worth saving, and see if I could redeem myself in the process. I wasn't even sure if redeeming myself was even in the cards. Why would I want to? I kind of like being what I am now. I've admittedly gotten used to it over the thousands of years, after all. It doesn't bother me anymore.

Plus, he didn't point out that I'd be working for an 'evil' law firm or that some of my coworkers would be so lovely to look at. The one that had really caught my attention was a lady named Lilah Morgan. A real go-getter at this place, more than willing to slit someone's throat (literally) if she thought that it would get her ahead at this place. Just the type of girl to bring home to the parents...

Just now we were coming out of a meeting that the boss complimented some idea that I brought forth. If they realized who I really was, I'm not sure if they'd be impressed or aggravated that the Devil himself was working here. I was figuring that now was a good time to take a lunch.
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December 26th, 2011

What's up with him?

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It had started out as just your average Tuesday,except for the gossip fling around like wild fire. Everyone in the office thought that David King had been out sick or in exile or something; no one seemed to know for sure though so it, was a bit of a shock to most of the flunkies when he came walking down the hall in what looked like a new Armani suit.

Lilah was just walking out of the morning staff meeting and the underlings started to scatter. She smiled as she headed down the hall to her office.Lilah'd gotten out of the staff meeting before Lindsey and she'd barely noticed David King as she headed into her office.

September 21st, 2011

Devil in the Detail

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Lucifer had arrived to the meeting place in question: Limbo. It was the easiest place for God and the Devil to meet without causing any sort of ruckus on Earth, nor trying to meet on either's home turf. What Limbo looked like for them (probably set up by God in advance), was a small coffee shop that was empty except for one person tending to the register who would make coffee if one asked for it.

Lucifer was late to the meeting, but he was still the first one there. Ordering a cup of coffee and sitting down at a table, he leaned back in his chair and looked around the place, wondering where in the hell God was, what he wanted, and what he was doing to keep Lucifer himself waiting.
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