Tuesday, April 30th, 2013


Guys, I can't believe tomorrow is the Badger festival and The Murder!! Crazy! Starting whenever you wake up, have at festival related entries/threads/whatever. In the afternoon EST/evening GMT, I will post a thread for the murder!

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Monday, April 22nd, 2013

Hey everybody, please run the button and add Henry Radford ([info]daisysdad) to your flists!

After a lot of deliberation, I decided that for upcoming plot purposes, we needed to have the Hit Wizard investigating the Orpington murder in play on the journals (better for snooping and gossiping and gleaning information, you know), and Henry is here to fit that need. He's mod controlled, so, yes, played by me, but... let's not think of him as my eleventh character, okay? HE WAS NECESSARY.

He and his little girl, Daisy, will be arriving in Helga's Hill in early May to stay at the Salty Badger (I'll be writing an intro for him soon but there is also an app on his journal, if you're curious). Until then, don't worry about him!

PS. I know who the murderer is... and you don't! (Maybe.) HA.
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Monday, April 15th, 2013

Okay, first of all, run it again as Emily brings us her second character (just squeaking by for murderous eligibility), Ophelia Selwyn ([info]thefairophelia)!

And now without further ado, a little insight into what is ABOUT TO HAPPEN over here (because Josie gave me the idea of letting you all feel included in the murderer player drawing)!

drumroll please.... )
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Sunday, April 14th, 2013

GUYS. I just realized that I AM PICKING THE PLAYER OF THE MURDERER TOMORROW. And, okay, I knew that, but, what, that is so soon! I AM EXCITED. But, also, I just realized that I have NO IDEA which hat I should pick the name from! I have a lot of hats! A lot of them! I am a hat person and I wear them almost everyday and they are all beautiful and gorgeous and chic as fuck.

HOW WILL I EVER PICK?? What if I choose the wrong hat and it forever alters the outcome of the lottery and therefore life in Helga's Hill as we know it??

Basically the point of this mod post was just to let you know that...

(but in a good way).
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Saturday, April 13th, 2013

bad mod apologizes for badness

Hey girls, sorry I haven't been around much in the last few days! Work was a bit crazy this week because it was the last few days before Spring Beak and my students were FIFTY FREAKING SHADES OF CRAY and I was exhausted and dead. But now it is break! WOOHOO. So, I will work on catching up and playing with ya'll today!

And on Monday, I'm going to be doing a very special drawing of my own.... so get any new characters in before then! POTENTIAL MURDERERS ALL.

Edit: I should also mention that I made a few little mistakes regarding days of the week/dates in the plot post for the next week or so. It is fixed now, so you might want to just check the post to make sure everything is still happening when you think! SORRY.
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Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

Here's the news, sugar cubes! We're leading up to the grand opening of our murder mystery extravaganza! I've got a schedule for the next week (and beyond)! Are you excited?! I KNOW YOU'RE EXCITED.

Or, at least, I'M EXCITED, so I hope that you are too. Anyway, without further ado, the schedule as it stands:
March 29th: Keep your eye out for our April plot post! (Generally, plot posts will go up earlier in the preceding month than this one, I promise. If you have anything you would like added to the post if, for instance, you need witnesses to something having to do with your character's motive, please email me by Friday morning EST.)

April 1st: Helga's Hill opens to much rejoicing!

April 15th: The player of the murderer will be drawn from a hat and contacted. (Since most people seemed on board with this and I heard no strenuous objections, I'm sticking with this plan.)

April 17th: The player must pick the murderer by this date. Though I imagine most of us have already started contemplating who we would pick were we chosen.

April 24th: The May plot post will appear.

May 1st: Orpington bites the dust and... well, we'll see, won't we?
I have a few more modly bits of information that will be going up in the next few days, so stay tuned! I am so excited that we have gathered such a great group of players/characters and I am sure we're in for an adventure!
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Monday, March 18th, 2013

Questions Answered!

The two most common questions you lovely ladies have been asking me lately are "When are you planning to open?" and "How will you pick the murderer?" I figured I would answer those questions here and ask for input because I want this to be collaborative, not a dictatorship!

Q: When are you planning to open?
A: I would like to open at the end of March/beginning of April to give us some time to settle into the game, the town, and the characters before Orpington is murdered. Unless anyone has strong objections (or I get terribly stuck plotting the murder investigation), this will remain my goal/plan.

Q: How will you pick the murderer?
A: This is the one that I am really hoping for your input on, guys! I have a plan, but I don't want to go through with it if people hate it. Currently, my idea is to put all of the players' names in a hat. I will pull a name and contact that player. The player will then tell me which of their characters they would like to be the murderer and we will proceed from there. The thing I like about this is that it adds randomness (the draw) but also incorporates free will (the choice of character). I know that we all probably have characters that we think are more likely to be the killer than others, so I'd like to give people space to choose.

So, my lovelies, what do you think?
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Intro Post!

Hey ladies!

So, we've all been kind of failing on the intro post front (and, seriously, I, your fearless leader or whatever, have been failing most of all). So, I propose this solution: let's intro our characters thus far all on this one post! Drop a comment for each of your characters and then people can respond for potential interactions/backstory/etc.

Good? Good. I'll start.
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Saturday, March 9th, 2013

plot posts )
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