Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

Back. )
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Monday, February 21st, 2011

Six. )
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Sunday, December 19th, 2010

A Changed Man
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Thursday, September 2nd, 2010

What had to happen. )
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Monday, August 23rd, 2010

After so many years of living among them, Liam had little trouble blending into the crowd. Most people just ignored him, and those who did pay him attention didn't always make it to the next morning. Humans were weak creatures, never able to defend themselves when it came down to it. Some screamed. There were some delicious moments where he so vividly remembered the thrill of the chase, the games of mouse and tiger, and the ultimate moment of bliss where the bloodlust faded to a dull roar in the back of his head.

Liam Avery lived in the shadows. No one knew him, and it was easier that way. He was free to wander about the globe, tasting and experiencing anything and everyone. Still, after one hundred and fifty years of wandering, Liam was alone. There had been experiments, of course, all of which ended in bloodsoaked chaos.

The club tonight looked like a thousand other clubs. They all sold the same drinks to the same clientele with the same loud music thumping ridiculously in the background. While Liam sat alone in the corner, skulking about in the shadows, there were moments when he longed for the days back when music was truly worth listening to. He could so clearly recall the last concert he'd been drug to, the first performance of Serenade No. 2 in A major by Johannes Brahms in Hamburg. The trip had been long, but worth it, according to certain members of the family. At the time, Liam had been bored, spending the time eyeing the audience instead. Now, he longed for the once-familiar sounds of that music now called classical.

There were the usual types that you found in places like this. The women with no self-respect and the men drowning their sorrows. The dealers and sellers and buyers. Those longing for a moment where they felt connected with someone else in the middle of a sweaty dancefloor. All of them ignored Liam as he watched them. In the shadows like he was, he appeared harmless and average. He squeezed a gloved fist, then straightened it out to run a hand back through his mass of dark curls.

Finally, someone caught his attention. It was a group of men by the bar, each downing a pint while chatting and laughing with each other. There was one who looked a mile away, a handsome blonde with his face buried in his drink. Liam sat forward, running his tongue over his fangs while keeping a steady eye on the bloke. He might have just found his next meal.
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