Monday, August 23rd, 2010

Rules of our vampirism:

1) To turn someone into a vamp, you must first drain them, then they must feed from you.

2) It is possible to feed without killing, but it is very very difficult to do. Usually the bloodlust takes over.

3) Vampires do not sparkle.

3a) However, they CAN go out in the sun. But get inside while dawn is coming, stick to dark shadows of tall buildings, better to just stay inside if at all possible. Clothes could be worn to block. If exposed for too long, etc, fire first then dust~

4) Of course, vampires are very fast and very strong and can hear really well and smell blood really well, but even vampires have their limits. They also can heal fast. Hours instead of days for most injuries. Serious ones could take longer.

5) People do not know about them. Of course, there are legends and myths, but their existence is kept as quiet as possible.

6) Vampires can die in the following ways: Beheading, sunlight, fire, wooden stake through heart. The following are myths: garlic, not having a reflection, holy water/crosses, silver.

7) Vampires do not age.

8) A vampire must be invited into a house to enter. Once invited, always invited unless a new door, lock, residence, etc.

9) Generally speaking, vampires are loners. There are no real governing bodies or support systems. However, there are some ultra secret sympathizers/etc who do what they can when needed.

10) Obviously, vampires drink blood. It is possible to sustain yourself for short periods of time (a month, maybe two, if you're an older vamp) with animal blood, but human blood will keep a vampire from becoming gaunt/weak/etc.

11) Vampires CAN change their appearance, such as cutting their hair or growing beards. However, anything like tattoos or piercings wouldn't work, as they are essentially wounds and would heal.

12) For the record, werewolves exist also. Mostly the two just try to avoid each other. However, there are some factions who try to make a rivalry exist. Generally, the two species distrust each other.

13) Vampires do not sleep in coffins. How ridiculous.

14) In general, lust is heightened in all aspects of the vampire's life.
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