The Harry/Draco 365 Smutfest's Journal
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Thursday, March 2nd, 2006

    Time Event

    Original poster: wook77

    I apologize for the lateness of the posting. It is currently 8 pm on Thursday so I'm still on time for my timezone... not much of a justification, eh? Err, right, then, on to the story.

    Title: Dinner Out
    Author: [info]wook77
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: H/D
    Wordcount: 2462
    Warnings: Wanking, angst, flangst, my regular stuff
    Summary: After Harry gets out of the hospital, he's swarmed by the Weasleys. Draco is not happy.
    A/N: I wanted to thank [info]yodels for the idea and [info]anael for the quick readover. Finally - this is dedicated to [info]wildegirl_05 because she dared me to fit "fuckass" in a story and I did. Here's to you, soul sister.

    It had been going on all evening and Draco could feel the flames... )

    Current Mood: harried

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