TO: SUBJECT: Um... hi?
Hi Miss Masterson,
I got your email address from one of the teachers at Crescent Hill. I won't say which one, because I don't want you to be mad at them. I just... I really wanted to write to you. I don't know exactly why. It just seemed important that I do it.
I don't know if you heard, but right after you left town there was this epic storm. Came right out of nowhere, tore half the town apart. A lot of people got hurt. I got hurt. And if you're thinking how lucky I am to be able to do what I do, well... it didn't exactly work out in my favor. Sure I'm alive, but I look different now. Really different. Like, I can't go outside anymore because people stare... different.
Some stuff has gone my way. Turns out I'm related to Flynn Rosewood, and now I get to live in his house, so that doesn't suck. They've got me studying medical stuff, too, just like you thought I should. Sometimes I think my eyes are gonna fall out of my head but I think I'm learning stuff. Maybe one day I'll be as good as you think I could be.
I know I was really mad at you when you left. I'm sorry. I've just had so many people ditch me, and I really liked working with you and I thought you liked me too, and I was stupid. You're not just a teacher, you're a person. You get to do what you want with your life. And I hope it's working out for you. But I hope you decide to come back one day. It was nice having you around. Besides, I can't wait to start calling you Doc.
Anyway, I hope you're okay in England. I hear Oxford's really pretty. Good luck with your thesis!