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Four Banners. [09 Jan 2005|01:44am]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Korn - Word Up! ]

I was extremely bored and decided to make some banners for the community. I half-assed attempted to make them. I wasn't sure what the hell to write on them, so I just wrote out have you got it? on all of them. I kept the orinigal pictures without the words on them, so if they need to be altered, I can do so.

Oh the pretty banners. )

I was too lazy to look for pictures of guys, thus no banners with males. I was originally going to get pictures of celebrities, but I thought that these models (Who I am guessing not very many people have heard of?) were really pretty, and deserved some attention. I have a thing for models, what can I say.


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[09 Jan 2005|12:03pm]
[ mood | crazy ]

I wasnt sure if you had 10 or not so I filled this out!

I love you<STRONG>! )




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Accepted//Rejected Banners. [09 Jan 2005|03:20pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Korn - Freak On A Leash ]

Yeah, I had some spare time this morning upon waking up to make a few Accepted and Rejected banners. My PSP9 was beginning to crap out on me so I only got four done. However, I think that is a sufficient number of banners.

Accepted or Rejected? )

I didn't want to use pictures of not-so-hot looking people on the Rejected banners, so I just chose a few pictures that seemed to suit the general idea of being rejected. Hope you guys like them.


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[09 Jan 2005|04:41pm]
[ mood | calm ]

ok thank you for the banners i am no longer accepting free members now you MUST fill out the app!!!!! the members of this community and that are allowed to post yes or no on peopls apps are the following









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[09 Jan 2005|09:56pm]
[ mood | anxious ]

ok so we only have three spots left the banners r in the user info and here is what you need as the code to post them in comments


so lets get to it!!!

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