Radio Hauraki Listeners Asylum's Journal
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Friday, May 2nd, 2008

    Time Event
    Kiwi music month
    Having created this asylum, I then was off sick for three days and didn't listen to any radio at all.

    I returned to the fold on May 1st for the beginning on NZ music month. This has been great so far with tracks from great bands like Shihad and Zed with some great classics like Dominion Road thrown in.

    It shows that we need Kiwi music month as normally, while Hauraki do play some Kiwi music its usually old staples like Hello Sailor, The Dudes and Split Enz and Shihad despite having a large number of really good and radion suitable tracks get ignored.

    Personally I love Kiwi rock and I go out of my way to buy Kiwi albums (I try to get one a month) to support local talent.

    Current Mood: tired

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