HarryRon100's Journal
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Sunday, July 12th, 2009

    Time Event
    Mod Post, New Prompt;
    Thank you for the drabbles for summer.

    So I have decided, in celebration of new Harry and Ron on film this week, I will really throw down the gauntlet to you all.

    *looks for gauntlet*

    *can only find rubber glove*

    *throws that*

    So this week's prompt is - Acrostic

    How does an acrostic work?
    And what am I expecting you to write?
    Really hard to do that in just 100 words don't you think?
    Really really really!
    Yes, that's true but I'll explain.

    First of all, here's a link to Wikipedia explaining acrostics.

    So you can do it as above, with the first letter of every line spelling something. Or, and I think this is more reasonable, you can write separate 100 word paragraphs and spell something out with the first letter of each paragraph.

    So use your imagination and have a crack at it. As long as you keep the 100 words theme in there somehow, either the full length of your acrostic is 100 words or each paragraph is 100 words. When you write out the word count just write it as 5x100 if you have done 5 paragraphs.

    And just so I haven't come up with a really mean and difficult challenge this week, I've done one too! I'll post it right after this.

    So good luck and have a go!
    Magic - [info]solstice_muse - PG-13
    Author: [info]solstice_muse
    Prompt: Acrostic
    Rating: PG-13
    Word Count: 100x5
    A/N: Here we go!
    Disclaimer: I did not create the characters of Harry Potter or Ron Weasley, nor did I invent acrostics. My socks are odd too.

    Magic )

    Current Mood: moody

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