HarryRon100's Journal
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Sunday, May 17th, 2009

    Time Event
    Mod Post, New Prompt;
    It's Sunday, it's my turn and I've had Champagne!

    First things first, thank you for your drabbles for saddest. I do love the angst.

    I have a note book where I scribble things down that I think will be great in a fic but then forget the context I had in mind. Right now it's open on a page with something I took down from somewhere and never used so this will be the prompt for the week. (though I feel that James May might have said it to Oz Clarke on one of their wine adventures)

    I must assure you, you don't have to use the quote in any way, it's simply a prompt to inspire you. Use it if you want to but don't feel compelled to actually include any of it at all in your 100 words.

    The tag we'll use for this will be quote

    "It's raining. Our roof is leaking. The toilet door fell off. You're annoying. Yet, this is really rather enjoyable."

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