HarryRon100's Journal
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Thursday, November 15th, 2007

    Time Event
    100 Feelings: Toys, by plotbunniofdoom. Generally suitable for all.
    Title: 100 Feelings: Toys.
    Author: [info]plotbunniofdoom
    Rating: Generally suitable for all.
    Word Count: 100 x 2
    Genre: Angst, action.
    Summary: Ron catches up with Harry but so does someone else. (Sorry, sorry, sorry)
    Beta: [info]midnightblue88 Thank you! *hugs*
    A/N: Hope you don't hate me for the lack of kissing but it was [info]hedwigs_bane who said, "The boys seem pretty close to figuring each other out. What happens after that, I wonder?" so blame him. *g*

    Toys. )

    Current Mood: bouncy

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