HarryRon100's Journal
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Sunday, October 28th, 2007

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    Wow, look at you all go!

    So many drabbles this past week and they're all here - Out

    Now the finiky Brit-picker in me is being mischievous and telling me, 'Shari, you're in a position of influence now, you're the prompt giver person on the [info]harryron100. That's a more important job than the Prime Minister. I mean...people actually listen to you!' So I am going to give a very British prompt and warn you that I get very British when I see it being used incorectly. I take this opportunity to speak to a whole fandom.

    Ron cannot 'go nutters', Ron can be 'a nutter'. You may as well say 'Ron went bastards'.

    Harry and Ron can be 'nutters, the pair of them', meaning they are two nutters, one nutter...two nutters!

    If somebody nuts you they have headbutted you.

    If somebody is going crazy they are 'off their nut' and if they are going spare they are 'doing their nut'.

    Nut means head...as well as a singular bollock! *lol*

    So I'm not limiting the way you use the prompt I'm about to give you, I'm just pointing out one of the most common fanfic mistakes that screams 'I am the least British person you will ever meet!'

    So, long prompt post I know, I'll get on with it.

    The prompt for this week is...Nutters!

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