HarryRon100's Journal
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Sunday, August 12th, 2007

    Time Event
    We would like for you to submit one word prompt for future challenges in the comments to this post. Be creative! If there is something specific that you would like to see for a challenge or anything at all let us know and we will see what we can do.

    We cannot guarantee we will use all of them but they will definitely be considered.

    [info]hardticket, [info]maple_mahogany and [info]oncelikeshari
    Mod Post
    Welcome to our brand new Harry and Ron drabble community. (We were established over on Live Journal but we're starting afresh here) [info]hardticket, [info]maple_mahogany and I would like to say hello and make yourself at home. The most important part of this community to us (besides the Harry and Ron) is that we all have fun. So without further ado here are our rules:

    * Each drabble should be 100 words. No more, no less.

    * There will be one theme word each week, posted every Sunday.

    * If you post more than one drabble in an entry, use an lj cut.

    * Minor characters or ships are allowed, as long as Harry/Ron is the main focus.

    * Any drabbles that are R or NC-17 rated must also go under an lj-cut.

    * No off-topic posts allowed.

    * This community will contain adult content, and you must be 18 to join and post.

    * Flaming is not acceptable.

    Please also put the title of your drabble(s) into the subject line.

    Please use this template when posting:
    Word Count (should be 100 words exactly):

    Warning: If posts and entries do not follow these guidelines, or are inappropriate in any way, they may be deleted without any other warning by the Moderators.

    These rules are still subject to change as with most of this community they are still a work in progress.

    Welcome and happy drabbling in the not to distant future.
    Mod Post
    *New mod wanders in nervously*

    Um...hello *waves*

    Okay so I'm [info]oncelikeshari and I posted drabbles here as [info]solstice_muse. I offered, along with my glorious friend [info]maple_mahogany, to help [info]hardticket with her modly duties of a Sunday (and BTW I'm English and that wasn't a grammatical mistake, we really talk like that!)

    I just thought I'd let you all know that there is now a [info]harryron100 comm on Greatest Journal, on Live Journal and an asylum on Insane Journal so if any of you would prefer to post elsewhere then there is a place set up for you (though not with a pretty layout, I don't know how to do that sort of thing)

    If you want to read the drabbles written for last week's prompt on Live Journal last week they are listed here: Changes

    Now on to the new prompt. Because of us two newbie mods I thought I'd pick a word that means a lot to both of us and makes us think of each other. So this weeks prompt is: Sunshine

    *scurries away to [info]hardticket to ask if I did it right*

    Current Mood: nervous

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