Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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August 10th, 2009



HARRY POTTER, Draco/Harry- PG, "This is so obvious!?"

Original poster: babydracky

Title – This is so obvious!
Pairing - Draco/Harry
Rating - PG-13
Summary – Luna knew love when she sees it!Luna’s POV about Harry and Draco’s relationship.
Words: 400
Notes - No Beta. English isn't my mother tongue. Sorry ToT

This is so obvious



A Hard Bargain

Original poster: leo_draconis

Title: A Hard Bargain
Author: [info]leo_draconis
Pairing: H/D, brief Harry/Blaise
Word Count: 3249
Rating: NC-17
Author's Notes: AU, Hogwarts era, post-war assumed. Written for my 100 friends celebration, for [info]fireflavored, who prompted me inkwell, tapping, and sugar quill, and requested a little smut. Well, guess what - you get more than a little! This is some pretty smutty smut! Then there's some fluff! There is a momentary frown, but I swear it's over before you can even worry about it. As for the length...I am STILL apparently incapable of writing something around 100 words, as I said these would be,so I, once again, faiI. New record - this one is the longest yet! I need help. Sorry these are taking so long, guys. Anyhow, [info]fireflavored, I hope you enjoy it!
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: Draco catches Harry is a compromising position. He'll keep the secret, but for a price...

A Hard Bargain



[Saturday Afternoon][PG][Harry/Draco]

Original poster: ninkasa

Title: Saturday Afternoon
Author: [info]ninkasa
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1888
Summary: Draco has an interesting start to his weekend.
*Sequel to “Something Else Entirely”

I like to consider my weekends Potter-free, if you don’t mind. )



Angel on the Cover chapter 17

Original poster: chibidraco

Title:  Angel on the Cover
Author:  chibidraco
Beta:   noscrubs12345
Harry Potter and all related characters do not belong to me.
Warnings: mpreg

Harry Potter has left for the muggle world a year after he defeats Voldemort.
Draco Malfoy struggles to make a life for himself as he has to find employment, while dealing with the biological present that Harry left behind. (My memory is purposely selective when it comes to HBP- you'll see )

TO start from the beginning start HERE , there are links at the bottom , to the next chapters