Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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July 28th, 2009



Comfort ~ 7

Original poster: lordhellebore

Title: Comfort
Rating: R
Word count: 100
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JKR and her publishers; no money is being made.
Summary: During the war, comfort is found in unlikely places.

Chapter Index

( Part 7 )



[Drabble] Parseltongue - H/D - PG13

Original poster: lady_arrogance

Title: Parseltongue
Author: [info]lady_arrogance
Disclaimer: The characters aren’t mine, but the plot is mine, mine, mine!
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Summary: Draco is always distracted when Harry starts to swear.
A/N: This is unbeta'ed and just a snippet. Some day, I hope to make more of it. So if there are bad errors, tell me and I'm glad to correct them.
x-posted to [info]harrydraco and my journal

Parseltongue )



Comfort ~ 8

Original poster: lordhellebore

Title: Comfort
Rating: R
Word count: 100
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JKR and her publishers; no money is being made.
Summary: During the war, comfort is found in unlikely places.

Chapter Index

( Part 8 )



[Something Else Entirely][PG]

Original poster: ninkasa

Title: Something Else Entirely
Author: [info]ninkasa
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PGish
Word Count: 1783
Summary: Harry's not sure what to do with a newfound crush.
Author's Note: I haven't written them in about six years, so bear with me. :)

It made about as much sense as anything else that had ever happened to him. Which was to say. . .none at all. )