Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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November 17th, 2008



Fic: When in Venice... (10/?)

Original poster: lilith1631

Title: When in Venice...
Author: Lilith1631
Rating: NC17 eventually
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, all belongs to Rowling and Bloomsbury. Sue not! For I am but a poor student and J.K wouldn't be able to squeeze much blood out of this stone.
Warnings: Slightly Crack!fic, graphic scenes, angst, language, drinking habits, UST, other pairings, original character, hufflepuff bashing, AU I suppose, obsession, voyeurism, torture, exhibitionism...and some other stuff.

Summary: Stationed in Venice, Harry is trying hard to stop Death Eaters from smuggling new weaponry back to England. He only wishes his partner would focus more on the case and less on his personal obsession... (Pre-DH)

From the beginning!

Most current part - Chapter Ten
Chapter Summary: All is revealed as Draco finally proves there is more to him than his beverage obsession, and everyone is left amazed.




Fic: Dark Moon Magic 6/8

Original poster: dripping-cherry

Title: Dark Moon Magic 6/8
Pairing: Harry/Draco; James II/Scorpius
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 1,562
Disclaimer: Characters and HP universe belong to J.K. Rowling and associated publishers. This fiction is not intended for underage readers.
Warnings: mpreg; incest (half-brothers)
Summary: Draco's been keeping a secret, but he can't hide the truth forever.

Chapter 6

Catch up on previous chapters here.




Original poster: leo_draconis

Title: Crush
Author: leo_draconis
Length: Drabble
Word Count: 3901
Rating: NC-17
Characters/pairings: H/D
Author's Notes:  AU.   This is in response to the following challenges/prompts:  challenge #96, the phrase “I'm just thankful you never..." in [info]slythindor100 ; "Office Space" - office shenanigans in [info]hd_fluff ; and Don't you understand anything? With the bonus of "insanity and biscuits" in [info]awdt 
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Crush )



Fic: 'Birdhouse' HP/DM NC17

Original poster: softly_sweetly

Title - Birdhouse
Author - [info]softly_sweetly
Beta - [info]asnowyowl
Rating - NC17
Word Count - ~3,900
Characters/Pairings - Harry/Draco
Warnings - Slash, PWP, Bondage, Spanking, Object Penetration
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this, and mean no offence by any scene depicted within this story. All characters depicted in sexual situations herein are above the age of consent.
Summary - Draco falls back on Slytherin tactics to get Harry to do what he wants, forgetting that Harry has a Slytherin side of his own.
Author's Notes - The first of two stories written for [info]lokifan as a thanks for donating to [info]livelongnmarry. Counts to prompt #3 There's something on your face from my [info]mission_insane Pounce!Porn table.




FIC: How Harry Potter Became a Pervert (NC-17)

Original poster: faithwood

Title: How Harry Potter Became a Pervert
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2200
Status: Complete
Summary: Though others didn't, Draco had believed the article.
Warnings: NONE!
Note: I've used [info]awdt's prompt — "Don't you understand anything?"

How Harry Potter Became a Pervert



For All The World To See

Original poster: moonlitdark

Title: For All The World To See
Author: [info]moonlitdark
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
Rating: R
Summary: Draco’s tattoo is not quite what he thought it would be.
Pairing: Harry/Draco.
Warnings: A wee bit of smut.
Wordcount: 2943
Notes: For [info]hd_obsession, who requested a tattoo!fic. Sorry that this took so long to appear! Hope you like it. *hugs*

For All The World To See