Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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November 10th, 2008



The Translation Job

Original poster: catsintheattic

Author: [info]catsintheattic
Title: The Translation Job
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I only play and promise to bring them back when I'm finished.
Summary: What if Harry used a different curse on Malfoy, back in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom? The Prince’s book was full of spells, and this time, Harry simply picked another spell. Again, he had no idea what it would do.
Word count: 11,511
Author’s notes: Written for and first posted at the [info]hd_inspired “Back to School” Fest. Prompt no. 36 by [info]magelet: Good old potions accident/misfired hex/etc. that gives either Harry or Draco a change in how others perceive them. As in, they totally still think the way they do normally and nothing has changed on the inside, but whatever their actions or words are, people on the outside keep misinterpreting it to be something else. Good or bad or whatever is up to the author. Additional words: bunnies, Giant squid, Mrs. Norris.
Beta(s): Thanks to [info]tuulia81 and [info]jaelle_n_gilla for listening and to [info]ayes_sid for her wonderfully detailed, fast and patient beta-job. She pushed me to write a better story and made it fun! Cross-posted a bit, so I apologise if you see this more than once.

Concrit and comments are always welcome.

The Translation Job



FIC: Coming Out (NC-17)

Original poster: faithwood

Title: Coming Out
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3500
Status: COMPLETE! Halloween Quickie Series, part 5 of 5.
Summary: Harry and Draco come out, but Minerva has bigger concerns.
Note: Written for [info]awdt's Halloween Quickies, prompt #5 was: Trick or treat.
I am SO sorry. I just had no time and I'm extra nervous when writing endings. Please forgive me. Also, I apologize for the final scene here. It might be proof that I finally lost my mind.
#1: Ghostly Fun
#2: Filch's Fun
#3: Caught
#4: Backfired
#5: Coming Out



When You're Gone

Original poster: leo_draconis

Title:  When You're Gone
Author: leo_draconis
Length: One-shot
Word Count: 7070
Rating: R
Characters/pairings: H/D
Author's Notes: AU, post-war, angst.   For challenge #11 "if ever I would leave you" in [info]harrylovesdraco 
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: A story of Harry and Draco as they cope with hurting and being hurt, and the rediscovery of who they are and who they want to be.

When You're Gone )



A Fresh Page

Original poster: lotus_lizzy

In honor of [info]sisika 's birthday and the historical victory of our first African American President, I gave you an h/d fic.
Because what is better than some slashy goodness.

Title: A Fresh Page
Author: [info]lotus_lizzy
Pairing: H/D, Hermione/OC
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~1300
Beta: [info]thesamanthahope

Summary: When mistakes are made, its easy to walk away. But Harry always will make it easy to come back.

Disclaimer: This story/artwork is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros. Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

A Fresh Page



HD Wallpaper!

Original poster: dove1211

I finished an HD wallpaper last night. Here it is. It's 1024 by 768. Artwork at the top left is by Drake. Artwork at the top right and bottom left is by Eneada. Artwork in the middle is unfortunately unknown. If anyone has the knowledge as to who made this lovely piece of work, please let me know. Picture at the bottom left is surprisingly a real photo released from WarnerBros. mouahaha. Please comment if you take and credit if you post it anywhere else. x-posted to my LJ [info]dove1211



FIC: Watch This (NC-17)

Original poster: faithwood

Title: Watch This
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2200
Status: Complete
Summary: Draco finds out that Harry's been watching porno movies. So what does he do? *points at the title* Heh.
Warnings: Smut, and nothing but.
Note: Written for [info]awdt's prompt — That was a pleasure to watch.

Watch This



The Wisdom of Foresight

Original poster: moonlitdark

Title: The Wisdom of Foresight
Author: [info]moonlitdark
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
Rating: PG
Summary: The truth often hurts.
Pairing: Pre Harry/Draco.
Warnings: Ginny Weasley.
Wordcount: 100
Notes: A very late birthday drabble for [info]scrtkpr, who gave me the prompt, unexpected. ♥ This is probably not what you expected either, but I hope you like it!

The Wisdom of Foresight



Challenge #11: Spiced Cider

Original poster: enchanted_jae

Title: Spiced Cider
Author: [info]enchanted_jae
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Fluff
Word count: 515
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for the following:
♥ Birthday gift for [info]halsangel_1, who asked for Draco taking care of Harry when he doesn't feel well.
- Challenge #95 at [info]slythindor100, which was a list of words: firelight, cider, cinnamon, leaves, crisp, bonfires, chenille throws, wool socks, fireplace, hearth, rug, kisses, wind, frost, sweaters
- Challenge #11 for [info]harrylovesdraco, which was "If ever I would leave you".
Summary: Harry has caught cold, but Draco still loves him.

Spiced Cider



Dukedom Large Enough: Chapter 9

Original poster: croatoan6000

Title – Dukedom Large Enough

Author – Croatoan6000

Rating – NC-17

Genre - Romance

Pairing – H/D

Chapter - 9

Chapter Warnings – Language, angst, sexual content

Summary – His fortune lost, his family shamed and exiled, Draco feels he has finally found contentment in his new job as Hogwarts librarian. But this is about to change, once Harry Potter, the acclaimed Auror, returns to the school to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts and to turn Draco’s world upside-down!

Disclaimer – I don’t own the boys, they belong to Ms Rowling. The story title is taken from Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’, and refers to Prospero’s line: ‘My library was dukedom large enough’. The chapter title is taken from the poem ‘Benediction’ by Charles Baudelaire. Done for fun, not profit!

Chapter 9

Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5   Chapter 6   Chapter 7   Chapter 8