Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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October 11th, 2008



Time Stamp fic!

Original poster: aquila_star

Title: Something's Started, Flip Side (48)
Author: [info]aquila_star
Rating: NC 17
Summary: Sex on the flip side.
Authors Note: I've been thinking about writing this for a while now, and there has been a bit of demand for it, so when the bug bit, I got to writing. I have no idea if I'll ever write in this universe again, but I won't say never. I love these boys too much. :D Enjoy.
Link: on my newly unlocked journal...
Begin again?



Dragon Slayer Part Four

Original poster: graylor

Title:  Dragon Slayer
Pairing:  H/D
Rating:  NC-17
Summary:  Someone wants to kill two dragons with one potion:  Harry wants to save them both.  However, saving dragons can be a chancy thing... even (or perhaps especially?) the dragons that don't have scales.
Genre:  action, adventure, hurt-comfort, smut, crack
Warnings:  Smut, violence, mention of toys, breathplay, games, wip but the rest will be posted soon.  This is the chapter where the rating really takes effect:  take heed, my darlings.
Disclaimer:  This is a work of fiction written for entertainment only, I make no money from this.  These characters and their world belong to Rowling and her corporate handlers, not me.  Further, everybody in this fic is of age.



Part One

Part Four



FIC: The Small Print (NC-17)

Original poster: faithwood

Title: The Small Print

Pairing: Harry/Draco

Rating: NC-17

Word Count: ~5200 (this part; the whole story: 12K)

Status: Complete!

Summary: Draco should have read the small print.

Note: Uh. Here it is. Thank you for waiting patiently. I hope this meets your expectations. *frets*

Part 1: Why Draco Malfoy Failed His Sixth Year

Part 2: Draco Malfoy and the Evil Number Seven

Part 3: That Thing Called Denial

Part 4: The Small Print