Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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October 9th, 2008



Keeping Potter Virtuous

Title: Keeping Potter Virtuous
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Written for [info]dracoharry100's challenge: #88: Humility
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
Beta: [info]sevfan
Authors Notes: Draco is just trying to be helpful.

Keeping Potter Virtuous



Drabble: Halloween Tale

Original poster: la_choo

Title: Halloween Tale
Author: [info]la_choo
Rating: G
Summary: Draco doesn't like spine-chillers. So, joining Harry and his Gryffindor friends for their Halloween-campfire-storytellingnight probably wasn't the best idea.
Challenge: [info]harrylovesdraco Challenge #10
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter Universe doesn't and never did belong to me. I'm not making any profit with this; no violation is intended.
Author's Notes: My entry to two prompts:
#1: [info]enchanted_jae's Monthly Challenge #32 for October, which was It was a dark and stormy night...
#2: [info]harrylovesdraco's Challenge #10, which was "Halloween or Samhain".

Halloween Tale



Dragon Slayer Part Three

Original poster: graylor

Title:  Dragon Slayer
Pairing:  H/D
Rating:  NC-17
Summary:  Someone wants to kill two dragons with one potion:  Harry wants to save them both.  However, saving dragons can be a chancy thing... even (or perhaps especially?) the dragons that don't have scales.
Genre:  action, adventure, hurt-comfort, smut, crack
Warnings:  Smut, violence, mention of toys, wip but will be updated (and finished) within the week
Disclaimer:  This is a work of fiction written for entertainment only, I make no money from this.  These characters and their world belong to Rowling and her corporate handlers, not me.  Further, everybody in this fic is of age. 


Starts here

Part Three



[No Subject]

Original poster: la_choo

Title: No Solution
Author: [info]la_choo
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own any rights to the Harry Potter Universe; I'm not making any profit by writing and publishing this.
Summary: Hermione finds out Harry (and Draco) have left school and tells the other Gryffindors of their year.
A/N: Sequel to Reality is too small for us; should not be read separately.
PS: Sorry for spamming :/

1/2 Lovesong



FIC: That Thing Called Denial (PG-13)

Original poster: faithwood

Title: That Thing Called Denial

Pairing: Harry/Draco

Rating: NC-17 (overall, this part, PG-13, I think)

Word Count: ~3000

Status: WIP

Summary: Draco had come up with a survival plan.

Note: I'm so sorry; I've planned to update sooner, I really did, but I just didn't make it. And, uh, there's one more part coming.

Part 1: Why Draco Malfoy Failed His Sixth Year

Part 2: Draco Malfoy and the Evil Number Seven

Part 3: That Thing Called Denial

Part 4: I think I'll post it on Thursday. Friday at the latest.




Original poster: la_choo

Title: I say hello
Author: [info]la_choo
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own any rights to the Harry Potter Universe; I'm not making any profit by writing and publishing this.
Summary: Japan, Land of the Rising Sun, full of japanese people that all somehow seem to adore Draco. Harry hates it.
A/N: Shouldn't be read without reading the first two parts, which can be found in my journal.

1/2 Lovesong



[No Subject]

Original poster: la_choo

Title: To Come to the Conclusion
Author: [info]la_choo
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own any rights to the Harry Potter Universe; I'm not making any profit by writing and publishing this.
Summary: Ron lies in bed, thinking abouat what Hermione said, and listening.
A/N: Sequel #3 to Reality is too small for us.

1/2 Lovesong



Hat Fight

Title: Hat Fight
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: PG
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Summary: Weddings require a fair bit of negotiating on everyone's part.
Word Count: 1450
Genre: Humor, romance
Warnings: None.
A/N: Written as an extra ficlet in the [info]hd_365 universe. This is all the fault of the slashchat girls who encouraged my madness. ;)
Beta: [info]sevfan. Thanks to [info]fbowden for providing the British perspective. *smooches*
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Hat Fight