Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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June 28th, 2008



FIC: Weaselling (NC-17)

Original poster: faithwood

Title: Weaselling

Author: [info]faithwood

Pairing: Harry/Draco

Rating: NC-17

Word Count: ~4400

Status: Complete

Summary: Ron is exasperated but helpful, Draco is annoyed but intrigued, and Harry is sweet but growls a lot. Together, they fight crime. Okay, that last bit isn't true.

Warnings: Mysterious and convenient use of a Lubrication Charm, Rough sex (per Harry Potter's definition. Read: Just kidding.) fluff & smut & a wee bit of plot.

Note: This is the promised smutty birthday present for [info]enchanted_jae! Cuz I'd feel so guilty if I didn't write her some bottom!Draco. This should have been a PWP, but since it grew, I'm now forced to insist it has a plot. *insists* If someone finds it, please let me know.




Fic: 'Morning Glory' HP/DM NC17

Original poster: softly_sweetly

Title - Morning Glory
Author - [info]softly_sweetly
Beta - [info]fbowden, who basically wrote the ending for me *loves*
Rating - NC17
Word Count - ~900
Characters/Pairings - Harry/Draco
Warnings - Dirty talk, Slash, Sleepy!Sex, PWP, Phone!Sex, Wanking… enticed, yet?
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this, and mean no offence by any scene depicted within this story. All characters depicted in sexual situations herein are above the age of consent.
Summary - Draco gets a surprising wake-up call
Author's Notes - Written as a birthday gift for [info]tlp2107, counts to prompt 9 Sleepy!sex from my [info]mission_insane Plot? What Plot? Table

Morning Glory