Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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April 10th, 2008




I started this back in October of 2007...I've never posted here, so I thought I'd share. It's still in-progress, so skip it if you don't like WiPs. Updates come when my muse lets me. :)

Author: Lady B
Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, other pairings to follow
Genre: AU Fantasy
Rating: Will be rated per chapter
Status: WiP @ 12 Chapters, last updated April.10.2008
Warnings: M/M relationship, character death, OOC, descriptive sexual acts between persons of the same sex
Challenge: 50harlequins prompt #45: Running from an arranged marriage and falling for a stranger who turns out to be the groom.
Summary: Space...the final frontier...In the year 4437 A.E. (After Earth) Prince Draco Abraxas Lucien Malfoy of the planet kingdom Slytherin is being forced to marry the enigmatic Prince of the neighboring planet kingdom Gryffindor. He hates the fact that he has to marry someone he's never met and runs away. His father, King Lucius, sends one of the best Retrievers in the galaxy after his wayward son, to be delivered to the Prince of Gryffindor personally.

Harry Potter was the best star pilot to ever come out of Hogwarts Academy. Known to his friends and crew as Captain Evans, he was also one of His Majesty's Retrievers, a band of men and women who searched the galaxies for the lost or stolen, whether they be people or objects. The Queen sends him on a mission requested by King Malfoy of Slytherin: find and retrieve his son to be delivered to the Prince of Gryffindor for a marriage ceremony.

Once he crosses paths with the Ice Prince of Slytherin, he does all he can to melt his heart of ice, and to make Draco his very own at personal cost to himself and the kingdom he serves.

Of course, things don't always go according to plan (-cue Darth Vader's Imperial March-)...

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. "Spaceballs" belongs to Mel Brooks and Co. "Star Wars" belongs to George Lucas (and I will be in his debt until the end of time for this). I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any original plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Author's Note: This was originally titled "When Love Is All We Need" and was set in the far past. But then I got the insane idea to write a space story, a la "Star Wars" and "Spaceballs". This is me asking: What if George Lucas had written Harry Potter instead. Harry is my 'Han Solo' while Draco takes on the role of 'Princess Leia', only without the skimpy slave girl outfit (for now) and donuts on his ears.

Want to catch up? Start reading here or here.



H/D fluff challenge:April picture Prompt

Original poster: lijahlover

Title:This field
Challenge:April Picture prompt
Word Count:100
Picture under the cut
Rating:R for making out that will lead to sex
They don't belong to me unfortunately or things would be different in the books LOL:D
betaed by no one all mistakes are mine.

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H/D-Slythindor100 Challenge drabble

Original poster: lijahlover

Title:Gone too long
Challenge:Slythindor100 Picture challenge
Word Count:100
Picture under the cut
Summary:Harry misses Draco while he's away.
They don't belong to me though I wish they did *sigh*
betaed by no one all mistakes are mine:D

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Fic: 'Angels and Demons' HP/DM NC17

Original poster: softly_sweetly

Title - Angels and Demons
Author - [info]softly_sweetly
Beta - None, mistakes are mine alone
Rating - PG13
Word Count - ~600
Characters/Pairings - Harry/Draco
Warnings - Slash, D/s, Implied MPreg, EWE, Child Illness, Flangst,
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this, and mean no offence by any scene depicted within this story. All characters depicted in sexual situations herein are above the age of consent.
Summary - Draco's control breaks.
Author's Notes - Told using prompt 72 Wet from my [info]lover100 table, which can be found here
