Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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March 10th, 2008



Fic: 'The St. Valentine's Night Murders' HP/DM NC17

Original poster: softly_sweetly

Title: The St. Valentine's Night Murders
Author: [info]softly_sweetly
Beta: [info]potion_lady
Rating: NC17
Word Count: ~7,300
Warnings: Slash, Sex, Skirt!porn, and all manner of other goodies, EWE
Summary: Harry/Draco – Every year for the past four years, St. Valentine's Night has seen a murder that affects both the Muggle and Wizard communities alike. This year, however, the Ministry of Magic has its two best Aurors on the case. If only they can stop insulting each other long enough to get some work done.
Disclaimers: I own nothing, and make no profit from this. Please heed all warnings and the rating.
Notes: Written for [info]alisanne in the [info]hpvalensmut exchange.

The St. Valentine's Night Murders



FIC: Conquering the Enemy, H/D, R

Original poster: tlp2107

Title: Conquering the Enemy
Author: [info]tlp2107
Word Count: 3082
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Genre: Flangst-y
Disclaimer: The characters and situations represented belong to J.K. Rowling and publishers. No profit is made and no copyright infringement is intended. Please observe the rating and do not read if it is illegal for you to do so.
Summary: When the gang indulges in a favorite pastime from their schooldays, certain revelations prove its not all fun and games.
Feedback: Makes the fandom go round.

Conquering the Enemy



fic: against the dying of the light, part ii [harry/draco, r]

Original poster: hecticity

title: against the dying of the light
author: [info]hecticity
rating: R
pairing: Harry/Draco
summary: Draco wasn't alone, at least for the moment. And after Potter left -- after Potter left he'd be alone again, and he'd have to hide far better than he had before, now that someone had a notion of where he was. He wasn't sure he had the strength to bury himself that deeply.
warnings: AU, angst
author's note: thanks to [info]insomnia_geek for the plot bunny. ♥




Wizard of the Month - Harry Potter - City

Original poster: sesheta-66

Title: Meant To Be Together (Article 1/10)
Author: [info]sesheta_66
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~ 1160
Character: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy (HP/DM implied)
Challenge: [info]10_themes Prompt #03 - "City"
Summary: Witch Weekly has named Harry Potter as their Wizard of the Month for March 2008. They are running a series of ten articles to provide readers with a bit more insight into the life of the Boy Who Lived to become the Saviour of the Wizarding World and Head of the Auror Department.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

To see all Harry Potter Wizard of the Month articles, click here.

To see all Wizard of the Month articles, click here.

Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Author's notes: Graphics done by [info]winter_june; original art done by [info]melmoe1. Thanks to both of you for your contributions and support.

Click above image to proceed to article.



Harry/Draco Challenge:Train

Original poster: lijahlover

Title:Speeding Train
Word Count:100
Rating:Hard R
Warnings:Language and Harry is demanding sex on a train.
betaed by no one all mistakes are mine!

Read more... )



Unlocking the World, 017/?

Original poster: lazalot-anreads

Title: Unlocking the World

Author: [info]lazalot_anreads

Beta: [info]dracovontrapp

Characters/Pairings: Draco/Harry

Challenge: B-Day fic for [info]gurliemoviegeek, who requested dancing and sex

Summary: Draco is drawn to Harry for reasons he can’t explain. When Harry confronts him, they unlock a prophecy written hundreds of years ago by the founders themselves.

Notes: WIP, AU 4th Year, Young Lovin’

Unlocking the World, chapter list



Fic: Purely Business, Chapter 2

Original poster: attacuswings

Authors: [info]slyferret and [info]attacuswings
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Word Count: 5,882
Disclaimer: Characters belong to JKR/WB/lots of people who aren't us. Sadly.
Summary: Five years after the war, Harry and Draco find themselves in a partnership that bizarrely works better than all others - in the Auror department, that is.

(In which an investigation begins.)



Paper Clouds (Part2/2)

Original poster: catchthegrey

Title:  Paper Clouds (Part 2/2)
Word Count:  2897
Warnings: M/M, Angst, Crazy!Draco, Vampire!Harry, Nutter!Ron, PG-13 just for the suggestion of appliance!love
Pairings: Harry/Draco, Hermione/Severus, Ron/Coffee Machine (OTP)
Summary: Crack Fic involving experiments for the betterment of science.  Life in the Auror Department is far from boring...
Disclaimer: They are Rowlings. I own nothing. 

(All mistakes are my own... Not Beta'd AT ALL)  

("With all due respect, Sir, I think we should test them for spells....and inebriation.")

Play catch up with the First Part.



Fic: 'Angels and Demons' HP/DM PG13

Original poster: softly_sweetly

Title - Angels and Demons
Author - [info]softly_sweetly
Beta - [info]potion_lady
Rating - PG13
Word Count - ~1450
Characters/Pairings - Harry/Draco
Warnings - Slash, D/s, Implied MPreg, EWE, Child Illness, Flangst
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this, and mean no offence by any scene depicted within this story. All characters depicted in sexual situations herein are above the age of consent.
Summary - Time to say goodbye
Author's Notes - Told using prompt 38 Hard from my [info]lover100 table, which can be found here

Thanks to [info]piratesmile331 for the read-through and suggestions.

Missed the beginning? Go here to play catch up
