Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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September 3rd, 2007



We Need To Talk

Original poster: miniluv68

Title: We Need To Talk
Author: Mini Luv
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Draco doesn't like it when people want to 'talk'. He also doesn't know why the fuck Potter wants to ruin perfection. He doesn't want change.
A/N: Eh. This is me being lazy. I don't know, I think there's a lot I can improve on and I don't know if I want to post this anywhere else yet. Meh. I mean, I like it, but I guess it just inspired me towards a different plot, so now I just feel torn. Well, maybe I'll write my other idea later. Until then...

We Need To Talk



Prophecy 2007 - Drabbles

Original poster: sesheta-66

Better late than never. Below are some drabbles I wrote while at Prophecy. A group of us gathered, and [info]fiona_fawkes gave us prompts and twenty minutes (which admittedly became a wee bit longer) to complete drabbles, not necessarily restricted to 100 words (*coughs* [info]mijan *coughs*).

These are my contributions, including one that I got stuck on that night, but managed to finish the next day:

Prophecy Drabbles



[No Subject]

Original poster: crystaldark






The Next Generation Of Quidditch Hotness: Part 1 - The Article

Original poster: sesheta-66

Title: The Next Generation Of Quidditch Hotness: Part 1 - The Article
Authors: [info]alaana_fair, [info]melmoe1, and [info]sesheta_66
Artist: [info]melmoe1
Rating: PG-13 (eventual NC-17 in part 2)
Word Count: ~ 2800
Pairing/Characters: Harry, Draco, Ron. (H/D pre-slash).
Challenges: [info]awdt's prompt of "You are just not my type"
Summary: An interview for an article about "The Next Generation of Quidditch Hotness" goes terribly wrong, and leaves Ron with some explaining to do, while Harry and Draco are left pondering some unrealized feelings.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not ours. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

"… three of the sexiest wizards to play the game of Quidditch since Oliver Wood and Victor Krum. This Terrible Trio, as the fans are calling them, have turned the Chudley Cannons into a fierce contender for the World Cup."



Hard Time, Chapter 3

Original poster: juweldom

Title: Hard Time Ch. 3/?
Author: Juwel (juweldom@yahoo.com)
Pairings: Draco/Harry, Harry/Ginny (this chapter Harry’s POV)
Rating: Adult (NC-17) ; This chapter PG
Catetories: romance, darkfic, hurt/comfort, kink
Warnings: SPOILERS for DH, compliant with DH except for the epilogue. Warnings for darkfic, rape, submission and domination, and mentions of child abuse.
Archive: just ask.
Other Characters: This chapter: Harry, Ginny, and Molly Weasley
Disclaimer: The characters in this fic are the property of J.K. Rowling and not mine, sadly. That doesn't seem to have stopped anyone from using them in truly sick and demented ways. No money is being made from this.
Summary: The war is over, and the Death Eaters must do hard time in Azkaban.
Notes: I said I’d be updating once a week, but this story is bleeding out of me faster than I can write, so I’m updating as I finish each chapter.
1977 wds this chapter

Previous chapters: 1 2

Chapter Three: Putting the Past to Rest