Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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July 1st, 2007



[No Subject]

Original poster: phoenixtsukino
Author:  </a></b></a>[info]phoenixtsukino
Genre: Romance/General
Rating: PG-13 (i think...correct me if I'm wrong)
Warnings: Language, OMC, a tad OOC for Draco
Pairings: Draco x Harry, Sirius x Remus, Severus x Cassius(OMC), *more later*
Progress: 4 Chapters, Work in Progress (Part 1 of 3)
Spoilers: Order of the Phoenix (maybe Goblet of Fire?)
Disclaimer: Idon't own anything Harry Potter related; it all belongs to J.K.Rowling. However, Cassius Rosary and Elijah Aldese are mine; NOSTEALING!!!!
Author's Notes: I'm basically rewritting Book 5, 6, and 7. Please comment and tell me what you think. Be nice please!

( Chapter 4 )

A Look Back:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3



[No Subject]

Original poster: Luuuurve
Hi there,

This is just to let you know that I've just published Chapter 32: The Dementor Master of The Bodyguard.In this chapter, Harry, Draco, Hermione and Ron ambush Snape at MalfoyMansion, but the ex-teacher proves to be more dangerous than they'dever anticipated.

Quote: At least fifty white horses were flying on broad, glistening wings, through the blue sky towards them.

Draco'smemories had not prepared Harry for this. He had never seen anything sobeautiful, and judging from Ron and Hermione's indrawn breaths, neitherhad they.

"Granians are greys, and particularly fast," said Draco proudly. "Ours are the fastest of their breed."

The flying horses were circling down. The afternoon sun, shining on their feathers, was dazzling.

The other chapters are here:

Title: The Bodyguard
Author: Luuuurve
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: M
Genre: Angst/Romance
Word Count: 136,776
StorySummary: When Death Eaters murder Draco's mother, Draco jumps at thechance to avenge her. But he doesn't expect the Ministry to bind him,heart, body and soul, to Harry Potter. HPDM slash. HGRW. Post HBP. Workin progress.

It's been reviewed 879 times on Fanfiction.net, andit's had 230 favs. 447 people have signed up for chapter alerts andit's been chosen for 43 C2S. It's in the process of being translatedinto Italian and Portuguese.

Please vote for this fanfic at Quill To Parchment.

Crossposted ... a fair bit, actually... ;-)



[No Subject]

Original poster: facecat
Challenge #1

Since a couple people respondedpositively to the idea of a challenge we're going to give it a try.Anyone can enter and just about anything goes: a written story of anylength, artwork, comic, photo(s), collage, video, etc. Use yourimagination. Don't be shy. If you ever thought about giving your latentartistic talents a go now's your chance. Please use the standardformat, or close facsimile of, for submissions:

Warnings: (as needed)
Beta: (if used)
Author's Notes (A/N): written for HLD challenge # . (& any others needed)

We'llkeep the challenge open until 7/21/07 (hmmmm, why is that date sofamiliar?) and will announce the winner the following week.

This month's prompt is:

"If you jiggle it a little it'll open."

Good luck & thanx.

(Sincethis is a new thing we'll run it a few months to see how it goes. Thenumber of entrants each month will decide if we keep it going.)