Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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June 3rd, 2007



[No Subject]

Original poster: Slashychick666
TITLE: Burn Me Alive. (this being part III is called scars)
AUTHOR: Slashychick666
WARNING:rape trauma syndrome, post traumatic stress disorder, self mutilation,my general ability to write at 3 am... oh and it's unbeta'd at themoment because I can't keep stories on my comp because other people useit. When I receive it beta'd from my..beta XD I'll edit it!
A/N: School is OOOVEERRR <3333 So I can write more now.
my journal(friends locked)
forks(part I)
flames(part II)



[No Subject]

Original poster: sesheta-66
Title: Various (see individual drabbles)
Author: </a></b></a>[info]sesheta_66
Rating: G -14+ (see individual drabbles)
Word Count: 100 (x 7 drabbles)
Challenges: Various (see individual drabbles)
Warnings: No beta. Please point out any errors you find.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowlingand her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which ispresented for entertainment purposes only.

Click here for the drabbles ...



[No Subject]

Original poster: sesheta-66
Title: Various (see individual drabbles)
Author: </a></b></a>[info]sesheta_66
Rating: G - PG13 (see individual drabbles)
Word Count: 100 (x 19 drabbles)
Challenges: Various (see individual drabbles)
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowlingand her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which ispresented for entertainment purposes only.

Click here for the drabbles



[No Subject]

Original poster: shesowsfiction
“Why? Miss me did you?”The sneer came gratis, as usual. “I’ve got bigger grindilows to frythan come and set fire to your broomstick, Potter.”

He scowled, hand itching for his wand. “Voldemort’s best bud now, are you?”

Draco’seyes flickered, as though a cloud had passed over them. “You shouldn’tstick your nose in other people’s business, I’ll break it again.” Hisgaze wasn’t as steady. “Let’s just say I know a winning side, when Isee one.”

“Well, it’s a shame your Dad can’t, what with being locked up and all.”

He straightened off the wall, unfolding his arms. “Rather have a father in prison than one that's dead, ey Potter?”

“Shut up,” he spat, lame as he knew it sounded. His hand clasped over his wand and he took a step forward.

“What are you going to do?” Malfoy mocked. “Hit me with your ego?”

Title: The Astronomy Tower
Author: shesowsfiction/scratchedink [ Jen ]
Rating: R
Disclaimer: They're JKR's toys.
Setting: Mid HBP
Author’s Notes: All feedback, as always, is treasured.

( 'Does the golden trio not accomodate for orgies?' )