Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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May 7th, 2007



[No Subject]

Original poster: sesheta-66
Title:  A Little Nudge in the Right Direction - for the  </a></b></a>[info]hpslashnotsmut  fic exchange.
Author:   </a></b></a>[info]sesheta_66 
Giftee:   </a></b></a>[info]lire_casander 
Pairing:  Harry/Draco
Rating:  PG-13
Word Count:  7814
Author's Note:  Pairings desired were Harry/Draco, Harry/Snape, Draco/Neville. Iscooped the first pairing on the list, and did Harry/Draco. The requestwas for "Fluff, lots of fluff please. A kiss. A conversation abouttheir feelings." I hope this covers everything you wanted (no sadending here), and I really hope you enjoy it!
Author's Note 2:   Thanks so very much to my beta  </a></b></a>[info]confiteor_3  who is absolutely awesome!  All remaining mistakes are mine.
Disclaimer:  Much to my dismay, the HP world and all its characters belong to JKRand her publishers.  No money is being made.  It is all in fun.

Summary: The war has ended, Voldemort is now dead, and people are getting on with their lives. The story begins as almost everyone has moved out of Grimmauld Place.

It had been weeks since the war had ended ...



[No Subject]

Original poster: sakaim
Title: Sectumsempra Animi
Chapter: 3--Fantasy
Author: </a></b></a>[info]sakaim
Word count: 5008 (this chapter; over 15K overall)
Warnings for this chapter: Ginny abuse, blowjobs. <3
Storysummary: Draco Malfoy seeks revenge on Harry Potter for Sectumsempra byuse of a forbidden love potion. Harry is desperately infatuated withDraco, who exploits his newfound power to control and torture hisgreatest archnemesis.

fantasy )
Or, start from the beginning!