Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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February 25th, 2007



When Nice is Just Not Right

Original poster: sesheta_66

Title:   When Nice is Just Not Right
Author:   [info]sesheta_66 
Word Count:   1687
Rating:   PG-13
Disclaimer:   HP world belongs to JK Rowling. No money made by me - I am only playing.
Warning:    No beta.  Feel free to point out any mistakes you see.
A/N:   This is a birthday fic for  [info]icyaurora8.  Happy Birthday and I hope this meets your expectations!  She requested: "Harrydoing something fabulously Slytherin to get Draco's attention... whichresults in a fight (which Harry doesn't usually instigate but does onthis occasion)... and therefore snogging/groping of some sort." 

Harry was going crazy ... 



[No Subject]

Original poster: soojebi
I have made a second attempt at drawing manheat. It is, of course, Harry/Draco, and not very worksafe (thus the "manheat").

(out with the prude, in with the pr0n)

Cross-posted at [info]harrydraco and [info]_drarry



As Darkness Fell - follows "The Rain Will Fall"

Original poster: sesheta_66
Title:   As Darkness Fell
Author:   [info]sesheta_66  
Word Count:   100 
Rating:   PG-13
Warning:   Angst
Challenge:   hd100 prompt of "next," dracoharry100 prompt of "coming of darkness" and hd_angst prompt #32 - "touch." 
Summary:   A short reflection, immediately following "The Rain Will Fall,"  this is not quite a sequel. 
Disclaimer:   HP world belongs to JK Rowling. No money made by me - I am only playing.

Harry had no idea what to do next ...

A/N:  Originally posted to hd100, dracoharry100 and hd_angst.