Harry Loves Draco

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June 5th, 2006



[No Subject]


Original poster: aj_stalin

Don't know if this is spam, if it is, feel free to delete it... Um but are there any Seamus/Harry/Draco fics out there? Bet ther probably are, but if there are anyone where the story is set at hogwarts and hopefully no fluff or too much smut.


It doesn't even matter about the criteria that much as long as they're any good.



Draco Malfoy Icons and Header


Original poster: horcru_x

Because I'm pathetic it's our favorite ferret's birthday (he turns 26 today), I made a few icons and a header. :D

( 5 icons, 1 header. No hotlinking. Comment if taking. Credit if using. :D )





Original poster: hd_obsession

Title: A Surprise
Author: [info]hd_obsession
Rating: PG
Word Count: 246
Warnings: Fluff!!! :)
Disclaimer: I only play with the boys, don’t own them *sniff*
Summary: This is for Draco’s birthday, for the first challenge at [info]hd_fluff and for [info]luciology
A/N: I kind of changed the tense of some words, don’t kill me!


X-Posted like woah, because I AM a comment whore! X)



Carpe Draconis Act VI


Original poster: aoifeic

Title: Carpe Draconis
Author: Aoife Malfoy [info]aoifeism
Pairing: H/D
NC-17 for violence
Genre: Angst, Action/Adventure
Warnings: AU. Written before HBP. No HBP Spoilers. Post Hogwarts, Second War Era
Disclaimer: Property of JK Rowling. Only borrowing for my own amusement.
Beta: the lovely [info]micolerose
Summary: Is it possible to capture a dragon when you suddenly find one within your reach?
Author's note: The words written in italics are words spoken in French.

Act VI.

Alea iacta est

The die is cast

Previous Chapters:
Act V
Act IV
Act II
Act I



June 5th - Happy Birthday Draco!


Original poster: hd_darkestmagic

Teaser of art by Site Artist[info]tiredofwired:

Click here to see the full pic at our journal and read our Draco Birthday Fic Recs!

In addition, we are pleased to announce our fanfiction writer interviewee for June 2006. She is a relative 'newbie' to the H/D fandom and has lots of insights from a newcomer's perspective. She is the very talented...

Click here to read her interview at our site!

Happy Birthday Draco!

Site Staff