Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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June 28th, 2004





Original poster: adarial_ciao

Okay, I have the icon. Hope it works. Sorry about last time *blushes*.

I also have a pic that I did on my spiffy stolen...*ahem*...new paint program. It was inspired by [info]hp_comic and [info]daisy_drabbles [and cartoon network at 4:00 a.m</span> ]. I love them both and hope they enjoy my tribute. *bows*

enjoy )






Original poster: son_of_darkness

Title: Whore!Draco Fic for Dummies
Author: [info]son_of_darkness
Rating: I have no idea…. Really.. This is too random for a rating... What..? It has to have a rating..? Oh... Alright then... PG13.
Pairing: H/D
Summary: *Points up at title*
Warnings: Severe random silliness.



ART: Reaching for the Snitch (Draco/Harry) - G


Original poster: mcgreeniepants

Character(s): Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy
Rating: G
Link (or lj-cut): Reaching for the Snitch - G )
Pairing: Harry/Draco...pre-slash, or beginning-slash.
Notes: I did this picture with the animation style of Kim Possible in mind...vaguely. Not my usual style, so I hope you like it! It's either gen or pre-slash. Right in the yummy resentful beginnings of a good H/D fic, I'd like to think. ;)



Fic Hunt


Original poster: dairygirl

I am looking for a story and I don't recall the title. It was one where Harry and Draco were married and had a son born by Harry. Draco had forced Harry to accept his marriage proposal by blackmail--when Harry refused him, Draco managed to force his friends like Arthur Weasley to be let go from the Ministry. When Harry decided to accept, the people got their jobs back. I remember that Draco always hosted formal parties and Harry was required to go even if all he did was sit on the sofa and watch from a distance. After a while, their son would creep from his bed and go to Harry calling him "Mummy". Harry wanted his son to call him "Daddy", but Draco had trained the boy to call Harry "Mummy". I believe it was a work in progress, but if you have any idea where I could find this, I would be very happy.