Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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March 5th, 2004



FIC: Left My Heart (2/6)


Original poster: emmagrant01

Title: Left My Heart
Author: Emma Grant
Rating: NC-17, overall
Archive: Please ask
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Summary: Post-Hogwarts. Auror Draco Malfoy has disappeared, and Harry Potter has been sent to find him.

Link: http://www.livejournal.com/users/emmagrant01/42063.html



The Game (Prologue)


Original poster: ylvasatu

Hello. I'm new to the community, and this is my first attempt at writing any kind of fanfic. An idea for a multi-chaptered story presented itself to me, so I've created this journal with the hopes of using it for archiving said story. Hopefully I can keep the creative juices flowing. I would have taken the liberty to cross post to more places than I have, but I figure most people tire of H/D fics. I don't see how that can be possible, but whatever.

There's a more detailed description of what to expect from the story when you click on the link at the bottom of this brief one, which you really want to follow. I know that you do.

Author: Ylvasatu
Title: The Game (Prologue)
Pairing: Harry/Draco (Ever the OTP.)
Genre: Pre-slash. If you don't like slash, this won't be for you. Back away with due care.
Length: Nearing 3,000 words.
Rating/Warnings: Currently PG-13 for language and sort of slashy themes. This rating will indefinitely grow heavier. You should probably not even start reading if you're uncomfortable with R material.
Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine. I'm making no money from this. You know how it goes.
Category: It will probably end up in the drama category. This is not an AU fic, nor is it fluffy.
Spoilers: Spoilers from all books, including OotP. Go read them all if you haven't, you pathetic excuse for a Harry Potter fan.
A/N: I really need some reviewing to go on here, since this is my first try... Please, thank you, and I love you. This has not been betaed as of present.

You may proceed to tear me up with caustic feedback.
Link: http://www.livejournal.com/users/ylvasatu/694.html