January 22nd, 2009

[info]gatewaygirl in [info]harry_mwpp

FIC: May I? by GatewayGirl, HP/SB/(RL)

Title: May I?
Author/Artist: [info]gatewaygirl
Pairing(s): Harry/Sirius/(Remus)
Rating: NC-17
Canon-compliancy: All (set during OotP)
Warnings: Ambiguous consent, manipulation, wanking, voyeurism, mild chan (15)
Author's Notes: Thanks to [info]calanthe for beta work and Britpick, and to [info]ravenna_c_tan for advice.
Summary: Be careful of food around the twins
Disclaimer: Playing with someone else's characters for fun. No profit made; no imposition intended.

The reveals for the sirry_slash exchange are up, and I can now say that I wrote May I? for [info]siriusly_lupin, who requested Christmas during OotP, with Remus involved if possible. I didn't put an age limit on my "won't write" section, so this is slightly more channish than I usually do -- Harry is 15, which is a year younger than I have paired with an adult before.

May I?