July 16th, 2008

[info]sev1970 in [info]harry_gen_fics

Fic Repost: When Heroes Are Mortal ~ Gen fic: HP, RW, SS

Title: When Heroes Are Mortal (repost)
Author: Sev1970
Date Written: Oct. 22-30, 2006, edited 7-16-2008
Words: 5,903
Characters: Gen fic. Harry, Ron, Severus
Summary: It is just another day. Harry meets Ron in Hogsmeade; they talk and eat, and it is the last time either one will see the other alive. Because it was originally written in 2006, the events do not reflect what happened in DH.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character death - very sad!
Disclaimer: I own nothing Harry Potter related. It all belongs to J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Inc., Warner Bros., and any other entities involved.
A/N: I have no idea why, but today I had the urge to edit this fic. I haven't changed much, but there have been edits and, although I was pleased with how the fic was originally, I am much happier with how the story reads now.

When Heroes Are Mortal )