January 3rd, 2008

[info]sev1970 in [info]harry_gen_fics

The Meeting - Sev1970 - G

Title: The Meeting
Author: [info]sev1970
Characters: Harry Potter, Eileen Snape
Rating: G
Summary: Harry meets Snape's mother.
Words: 2129
Date Written: December 11, 2007
Warnings: DH spoilers
Disclaimer: I own none of this…it is all JKR's and those she deems fit.
A/N: This idea has been brewing for a while now, and I couldn't get it out of my mind. Many many thanks go to [info]lilyseyes, who beta'd this extra quick.

The Meeting )

[info]sev1970 in [info]harry_gen_fics

Departures and Arrivals - Sev1970 - G

Title: Departures and Arrivals
Author: [info]sev1970
Characters: Severus, Lily, James
Rating: G
Warnings: DH Spoilers, angst, past character deaths
Words 1079
Date: January 01, 2008
Disclaimer: None of this is mine - it's all JKR's and her minions.
A/N: Harry isn't one of the characters, but...well, you'll see why I posted the fic here...and this is my asylum, so...hehe!

Departures and Arrivals )

[info]sev1970 in [info]harry_gen_fics


Because I haven't found any other communities/asylums dedicated to Harry gen fics, I started one here on IJ. I think I have addressed everything necessary on the user info page, but I'm sure there is something I missed. If you have any suggestions or questions, please leave a comment here. Three of my fics have already been posted if you want an example of how the fics should look.

If you know anyone else with gen fics/art featuring Harry, please tell them about [info]harry_gen_fics.