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Harmony Fanfiction

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I have nothing left to give, I have found the perfect end, you were made to make it hurt... [10 Jul 2010|09:11pm]

[ music | Breaking Benjamin - Dear Agony ]

WHO: Mokuba Kaiba, Rebecca Hopkins
WHAT: The remains of a failing marriage.
WHEN: Post series, obviously. 2007. AU.
NOTE: I actually wrote this years ago (which explains why it's actually good, since roleplaying hadn't yet made me lazy). But Katy loves this pairing, so I am sharing!

Disappear into the dirt, carry me to heaven's arms, light the way and let me go, take the time to take my breath, I will end where I began )

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Through the gloom of time and the ages of deadly sleep, you will open your eyes and forget... [09 Jul 2010|11:21pm]

[ music | Tacit Fury - Damned for Eternity ]

WHO: Albert Wesker, William Birkin
WHAT: The usual sort-of-friendly banter. Why do they tolerate each other again? Not an entirely serious piece.
WHERE: An Umbrella facility.
WHEN: Before Code Veronica.

The world you've left, the terrific dream was stopped )

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[21 Jun 2010|02:30pm]

WHO: Everyone
WHAT: The drabbles that everyone wrote before. Here it is, for the record.
WARNING: Some sexual references because everyone around here is a pervert.


Here. )

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These days flying off an empty page, lonely, forever something in our way... [04 Jun 2010|08:21pm]

[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | The Rembrandts - What Will It Take ]

WHO: Link Haela, Shizuka Jounouchi
WHAT: Drabble prompt that inspired a ficlet.
WHEN: Non-canon so who cares?

But deep in my soul your light is all that I'm praying for, salvation is in your eyes but not for me )

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Hey you, out there on your own sitting naked by the phone, would you touch me... [20 May 2010|11:17pm]

[ music | Pink Floyd - Hey You ]

WHO: Seto Kaiba and Shizuka Jounouchi
WHAT: Word prompt - kite
WHERE: Kaiba mansion - canon universe

Hey you, with your ear against the wall, waiting for someone to call out, would you touch me )

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[19 May 2010|11:26pm]

WHO: Lilly Kane and Mokuba Kaiba
WHAT: Lilly and Mokuba have a date in (obviously after they get back together)
WHEN: Time unspecific, just after they get back together.
WARNINGS: Badly written sexual scenes
Note: My character had needs so here's me meeting them. I have no idea if Mokuba's reactions are accurate, so I hope I didn't godmod anything too much. Also, I'm not great at writing smutty scenes, so... that part sucks. Focus on the cute part <3

She really hadn't intended for it to turn out the way it did, but she couldn't really complain. )

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[09 May 2010|09:46pm]

WHO: Elle Bishop and Vivian Wong
WHAT: Elle and Vivian bond, and then some.
WHEN: Set sometime in the future, maybe a Saturday night or so.
RATINGS: I don't think there's enough there to merit higher than a PG.
WARNINGS: Umm... Girl kissing?
Note: This fic is for a distraction-present for Ilene. It was supposed to be bonding only (and dancing) but at the end it took an unexpected turn. I blame Elle for being sex-deprived. Not my best fic, it's pretty short and I have no idea at all if I got Vivian's characterization right (so don't hate me if it sucks, Ilene!) Game Canon because Ilene says so.

Two girls bonding and drinking and... )

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I keep closing my eyes but I can't block you out; [18 Apr 2010|09:47am]

[ mood | tired ]

WHO: Lilly Kane, Zelda von Nohannsen, and a cameo by Elle Bishop
WHAT: Lilly and Zelda meet to have some girl time, to have ~FUN~ and dye their hair for pure spontaneity. I broke this into fairly short sections to focus on each part of the process, so it might come across as a little jumpy.

Mother, when you look at me, do I have your blessing? Have I crossed the line? Have I lost your love? )

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