Hardball - October 1st, 2005

About October 1st, 2005

"The life of the wife is ended by the knife." 06:52 pm
Put this stuff in the entry.
Name: Zachary DC Ehlers
Age: 20
Sex: Any way I can get it
Likes: I like pancakes, and pussy. I'm also argumentative, and horny.
Dislikes: I dislike anyone who's stupid.
List of good debate topics: You're mom, or anything else I want/think of.

Satisfied? I hope so... by the way, I'm NOT a troll. I'm a hulking-tree-giant. THERES A DIFFERENCE, DAMMIT.

you're only hope of survival in this life,
Zachary DC Ehlers

1st Posting 06:57 pm
Space exploration... why arent we doing it? As a country, being the United States, we should invest time and money into it. The world is either going to explode due to Nuclear Purifying Fire, De-Evolve in terms of technology, or Explode into Space.

Why you should think this way )

Refute that!

you're only hope of survival in this life,
Zachary DC Ehlers
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