Hardball - December 22nd, 2004

About December 22nd, 2004

Introduction 02:48 am
This is hardball, a debate asylum. I am the maintainer. I will ask that you check the profile for the rules and joining procedures.

After we get some members, I will put up several posts that just have a topic for debate. Feel free to start commenting on them, and feel free to post your own topics as well.

Play ball.

You make me feel: tired

Abortion 01:18 pm
Pro-Abortion? or Against?

State your opinion and why. Explain.
You make me feel: weird
Listening to: Greenday

Gay marriage 01:56 pm
Gay marriage.

Video game violence 01:57 pm
Video game violence.

The war in Iraq 02:00 pm
The war in Iraq.

George W. Bush. 02:03 pm
George W. Bush--what do you think of him?

The life of the wife is ended by the knife. 04:12 pm
Name: Nikki

Age: 18

Sex: female

Likes: being with my friends, my husband, animals, tigers, night, overrides, layouts, open-minded people, black and purple.

Dislikes: close-minded people, people that think their better, fakes, liars, cheaters, spiders, yellow, politics (it just confuses me.lol), immature people.

List of good debate topics: abortion, politics, world news, gay marriage, our soldiers fight in the war, family, friends, love, paranormal, sex, homosexuality...bleh. All I can think of right now. lol.
You make me feel: numb
Listening to: otep:::buried alive

The life of the wife is ended by the knife. 05:18 pm
So I forgot to put this stuff and it is my own community. Oh well, here it is.

Name: Adam Wenger
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Likes: Jesus, Bri, Christianity, friends, learning, debate (who knew?), humor, being a smartass, drawing, singing, video games, football, the Steelers, movies, creationism, black, and red.
Dislikes: Most people, stupid people, cold hearted people, mean people, self absorbed people, people who can't drive (not literally. I mean bad drivers), childish people, children, sports video games, people who soup up stupid cars like Honda Civics, people who think street racing is cool, most anime, the devil, people who worship the devil, other things that go against the Bible, people who think they are better, snotty people, bitchy people, people who go around looking for ways to be offended so they have something else to bitch about, tree hugging hippy liberals, hippies, right wing nut job conservatives, evolutionists, pink, and purple.
List of good debate topics: abortion, the president, the war, stem-cell research, politics, creationism(right) vs evolution(wrong), gay marriage, homosexuality in general, I don't know . . . whether or not purple sucks(it does). LoL.

That's me. Who are you?

You make me feel: blah
Listening to: the news

"The life of the wife is ended by the knife." 06:32 pm
Name: Josh
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Likes: Video Games, music, my friends, God, Heroes, villians, art, stupid people (they are SO funny and easy to convince).
Dislikes: mmmm, Yellow, wow....that's all I can think of......, OH yeah debating...hahah.
List of good debate topics: What everyone else said.

I just feel debating helps let out your feelings about certain issues. Just debating. Not fighting. I hate it when people take it personally, but then again some people like to make it personal.
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