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chefcjdavis on aim [09 Aug 2011|06:35am]
So I'm CJ, hi! I like things. Lots of things. And I'm a chef, so cooking is one of those things. Debbie Gibson is another (I am not ashamed!) Who are your favorite 80s bands/singers, Boston?
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hola senor ty. [09 Aug 2011|06:52pm]
Hey, what's up? I'm Ty. Ty is short for Tyler. But I'm usually only called Tyler when I'm in trouble, so I kind of flinch whenever I hear it. Anyway. I'm a high school Spanish and math teacher, and I also coach the Varsity Boys Basketball team. I love basketball, I love teaching. I'm kind of a big dork.

This summer, though, I got to live out one of my dreams. I chaperoned a trip to Spain. Granted, the downside was that I was a chaperone to a bunch of teenagers, so I wasn't really free to go off and do my own thing, but I got to go to Spain. It was pretty awesome.

Where's your favorite place that you've traveled? And if you haven't, where do you hope to go?
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[ viewing | August 9th, 2011 ]
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