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aim: halfachippendale. use & abuse it! i'm friendly, i promise. [05 Aug 2011|11:48pm]
[ mood | nerdy ]

What's up, Boston? My name's Chip. Yes, Chip. It's short for Charles, but nobody really ever calls me that. I'm Chip because I'm the third generation of Charles Davis's. My grandpa went by Charlie, my dad went by Chuck, and so I got stuck with Chip. But it's no big, I think it actually fits my personality pretty well.

Anyway. I'm one of the two owners of one of your local nerd haven, Acorn Comics & Videos, with my best friend Dale. Yes, yes. We know. Chip and Dale. We've heard all the jokes, you really don't need to make your own. Aaaanyway. It was originally a video rental store, that my best friend and I evolved into haven for all things nerd. We sell comics, videos, candy, action figures, video games... pretty much anything you can think of.

So. Important question time. Favorite superhero?

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