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IC random

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[14 Feb 2011|07:05am]
Tonight's Valentine's Day sleep over is going to be more awesome now because I get to spend it with my new boyfriend! *dances*
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[14 Feb 2011|11:44am]
Can you let me know?
Baby can we get up together?
I ain't like those chicks, I'll treat you better
Don't waste no more time
Baby let's go
Maybe we can go
Baby I'm down to do whatever
I don't really care, it doesn't matter
Let's not waste no time
Maybe, let's go...
11 comments|post comment

[14 Feb 2011|03:48pm]

Happy Valentine's Day!!!
32 comments|post comment

this made my day [14 Feb 2011|07:23pm]
[ mood | amused ]

If Apple made water... )

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[ viewing | February 14th, 2011 ]
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