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Way to go, Cheeseheads. [07 Feb 2011|06:44pm]
Ain't that something?  I'm so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so glad Pittsburgh didn't win the Super Bowl!  As a die-hard Cleveland Browns fan, I was able to fuck with so many Steelers fans today.  Rubbing it in their face never felt so good.  I ran into a Cowboys fan yesterday who wanted Green Bay to win just so Pittsburgh didn't go up two Super Bowls on 'em (a win would've given Pittsburgh seven Super Bowl wins, in case you ain't know).  But it's all good.  I actually wanted to see the real A-Rod (Aaron Rodgers, yes; not Alex Rodriguez) get a ring more than I wanted to see Pittsburgh lose.  Good job, Pack.  Also, job well done in making sure Troy Polamalu had zero impact on the biggest game of the year.  Congrats.  We're coming soon!

Yeah, we, the Cleveland Browns, are coming.  Say nothing, Elizabeth Finnegan!

You heard it here first: Cleveland will win at least eleven games next season!  If there's no lockout.
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