happenstance - December 29th, 2006
hitsuzen in creativity

Rave posting in Happenstance
User: [info]happenstance (posted by [info]cheloya)
Date: 2006-12-29 16:44
Subject: [HP] Assuredly This; Remus/Sirius
Security: Public
Tags:harry potter

Title: Assuredly This
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character/s: Sirius, Remus
Words: 817
Notes: For sukrod. Merry (belated) Christmas, and a happy new year. ^^ Sorry it took so long; my HP muse is a little sleep-fogged from its long hiatus - apparently very vague, also. I also apologise for mutilating Swinburne. =\

Do you like making me feel like a tit? )

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