happenstance - January 26th, 2006
hitsuzen in creativity

Rave posting in Happenstance
User: [info]happenstance (posted by [info]cheloya)
Date: 2006-01-26 13:48
Subject: [PSOH] Bliss; D/Vesca
Security: Public
Music:Tori Amos // Bliss
Tags:disintegration, petshop of horrors

Title: Bliss
Fandom: Petshop of Horrors
Character/s: Papa D, Sofu D
Words: 374
Notes: Part of the Disintegration arc. Set after Disintegration.

father, I )

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Rave posting in Happenstance
User: [info]happenstance (posted by [info]cheloya)
Date: 2006-01-26 14:01
Subject: [PSOH] Devastated; D/Vesca
Security: Public
Music:Alanis Morisette // Unsexy
Tags:disintegration, petshop of horrors

Title: Devastated
Fandom: Petshop of Horrors
Character/s: Papa D, Count D
Words: 385
Notes: Part of the Disintegration arc. Companion piece to Bliss.

It had not hurt like this. )

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